


11 November 2024 Portrait photo of Jan Bláha.

We are EMBL: Jan Bláha on protein crystallisation inside cells

People & Perspectives Jan Bláha, postdoc at EMBL Hamburg, talks about the utility of in cellulo protein crystallisation in structural biology research, his sources of inspiration, and the values of collaboration, curiosity, and resilience.



10 October 2024 A multi-coloured donut representing the structure of an NPC.

“Structurally” sound

Science & Technology The function of biological molecules is intimately linked to their structure. In the 50 years since EMBL was established, its researchers and engineers have constantly provided leadership in structural biology research and services, resulting in many scientific breakthroughs and novel insights.



25 July 2024 Colourful arts and craft projects on a table

Science City Day at EMBL Hamburg

Lab Matters A major public engagement event at EMBL Hamburg attracted thousands. A video captures the spirit of the day from participants.



19 June 2024 In the centre: green angular origami-like shapes stacked on top of each other. Small orange rectangles akin to adhesive tape are placed where the green shapes connect with each other. In the background: a circle in the middle and cancer cells on the left and right.

‘Invisible’ protein keeps cancer at bay

Science & Technology EMBL Hamburg scientists and collaborators discovered a new molecular mechanism in which an unstructured protein disables one of the main cancer-promoting proteins by gluing them into an elongated stack. Data from human patient samples support the role of this mechanism in prostate cancer…



6 June 2024 A schematic of transport of dipeptides (white sticks) by the GLMP–MFSD1 complex. The transporter undergoes the common alternating access mechanism transitioning from outward-open conformation after dipeptide binding in the lysosomal lumen, to the occluded state where both sides of the binding site are closed, to the inward-open conformation enabling dipeptide release to the cytoplasm.

Structure and function of new lysosome transporter revealed

Science & Technology The group of Christian Löw at EMBL Hamburg and CSSB, and collaborators from the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel and CNRS & Université Paris Cité worked together to reveal the structure and function of a previously unknown lysosome transporter, MFSD1.



21 December 2023 On the left: image of a protein complex in a shape of a yellow doughnut with blue elements. Above it is a drawing of nucleic acid with arrows connecting nitrogenous bases to different points in the protein complex. On the right: a line with peaks indicating the peaks recorded in mass spectrometry. Above two peaks, there are smaller depictions of the doughnut-shaped complex, one with a blue element and one without.

RNA to rule them all

Science & Technology The Kosinski Group at EMBL Hamburg collaborated with other groups in Hamburg to reveal critical steps in Lassa virus ribonucleoparticle assembly and recruitment, and the crucial role played by RNA in in the Lassa virus life cycle.



19 December 2023 Cartoon showing nanoparticles on a conveyer belt passing through a machine. They are ordered by size and the smallest one pass through the machine before the bigger ones. A ray of light enters the machine, where a nanoparticle is being scanned, and leaves it on the other side. A monitor on top of the scanning machine shows an X-ray of a nanoparticle.

‘X-ray vision’ for investigation of mRNA nanomedicines

Science & Technology EMBL Hamburg, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Postnova Analytics GmbH, and BioNTech SE have developed a new method to quantitatively investigate sizes of nanoparticles containing mRNA. It may become an important part of regular characterisation of mRNA nanomedicines in the future.



14 December 2023 Photo of Selina Storm standing in front of the PETRA III synchrotron storage ring.

We are EMBL: Selina Storm on PETRA IV and new perspectives for EMBL Hamburg

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives EMBL Hamburg is located at the PETRA III synchrotron, which in the future, will be upgraded to PETRA IV. Selina Storm is theEMBL@PETRA IV Programme Manager. Here, she speaks about her role and the benefits of PETRA IV for EMBL.



27 November 2023 Photo of two people brainstorming at the table covered with several papers and images related to the research project, such as the structure of the molecule, a map with the Solar Lake marked, photo of EMBL Hamburg, photo of Garo Antranikian looking into a microscope, pages of the manuscript, data graphs, and more.

Hamburg collaboration paves the way to cleaner technologies for industry

Science & Technology An interdisciplinary collaboration between Hamburg scientists has yielded new insights into the structure and function of a heat-resistant enzyme from an exotic microbe. In this interview, EMBL Hamburg’s Matthias Wilmanns and TUHH’s Garo Antranikian discuss how their collaboration developed and…



15 November 2023 Illustration showing a doorknob with a lock and many protein-marked keys floating towards it.

The secret of molecular promiscuity

EMBLetc Promiscuity is critical for nourishment. How? This question lies at the focus of research by the Löw Group at EMBL Hamburg. Using structural biology methods, they explore how specialised molecules located in the cell membrane allow cells absorb nutrients from their environment.


1 November 2023 Sihyun Sung is standing next to experimental equipment for time-resolved serial X-ray crystallography. The light in the room is pink.

We are EMBL: Sihyun Sung on time-resolved structural biology

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives In this interview, Sihyun Sung, Postdoctoral Fellow at EMBL Hamburg, talks about making molecular movies with time-resolved serial X-ray crystallography, his sources of inspiration, and the value of forging deeper connections with friends and colleagues.



26 October 2023 Photographs of three scientists on a decorative blue background

EMBL scientists receive prestigious ERC Synergy Grants

EMBL Announcements Jan Kosinski, Julia Mahamid, and Georg Zeller have received grants to enable ambitious projects aimed at mapping the cellular protein synthesis machinery in context and understanding complex host-microbiome interactions, respectively.



2 October 2023 Outline of a human, purple against red background. Red RNA strand in the background, electrocardiogram across the image. On the right, outline of a Nobel prize medal.

mRNA nanomedicines scoop Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Science & Technology Pioneers of the mRNA nanomedicines technology receive 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine. EMBL is pleased to have supported the development of the application of the mRNA nanomedicine technology through our long-standing collaboration with BioNTech, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and…



6 September 2023 A drawing of swordfish and a bubble containing a drawing of a molecular model. Both on blue background representing water.

Swordfish sword under X-rays: SAXS explained

Science & Technology Learn how scientists use bio-SAXS, an experimental X-ray technique, to study the shape and dynamics of proteins and other biomolecules. SAXS can be even used to analyse the structure of mineral particles in the swordfish sword bone, which can help scientists better understand bone ageing.



8 August 2023 Clément Blanchet at the EMBL Hamburg’s P12 beamline’s experimental hutch.

Welcome: Clément Blanchet

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives Clément Blanchet has been appointed to lead the team working on small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) at EMBL Hamburg. In this interview, he talks his ambitions for the future work of the SAXS Team, his passion for science, and a memorable ‘aha’ moment he had in his early career.



3 July 2023 In the foreground: an intrinsically disordered protein, which has a form of a tangled, unstructured string. In the background: a set of parallel curved lines.

Bringing research on disordered proteins to order

Science & Technology A third of all known proteins are either completely or partially unstructured. EMBL scientists contributed to a new set of guidelines – Minimum Information About a Disorder Experiment (MIADE) – that will help researchers share data on unstructured proteins in a more useful way and will enable…



10 May 2023 Illustration showing a cute humanoid-shaped robot that spits pink droplets at a sheet.

Time-resolved crystallography for the masses

Science & Technology EMBL Hamburg scientists have contributed to the development of the Spitrobot, a ground-breaking experimental setup that will simplify creating molecular movies. The Spitrobot automates the sample preparation for time-resolved crystallography, which is used to create 3D snapshots of protein…



20 April 2023 Photo of a human hand introducing a small element into a machine at the SPC Facility.

EMBL Hamburg joins northern European life science consortium

ConnectionsLab Matters EMBL Hamburg partners with the Hanseatic Life Science Research Infrastructure Consortium (HALRIC) to enhance life sciences research in Scandinavia and northern Germany. The consortium builds on the HALOS project to foster collaborations between industry, hospitals, and universities, leveraging…



12 April 2023 Photo of Eduard Avetisyan smiling and standing next to the servers at EMBL Hamburg.

We are EMBL: Eduard Avetisyan on the role of IT in structural biology

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives Eduard Avetisyan leads the EMBL Hamburg IT team. He joined EMBL after transitioning from particle physics research to IT. Besides providing standard IT user support, his team also enables smooth processing and computational analysis of structural biology data. Here, he talks about the joys and…



17 March 2023 Liz Duke standing on the left side of the photo, with EMBL Hamburg's P14 beamline and a big screen on the right.

Molecules to Ecosystems: Liz Duke on X-ray imaging

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives Biological X-ray imaging is an emerging technology that uses X-rays to image tissues or even entire organisms. It will play an important role in EMBL Hamburg’s future service portfolio, and will allow studying life on multiple scales. Team Leader Liz Duke discusses her plans to establish X-ray…



1 March 2023 Moisés Bueno is standing next to the transfer robot. The robot has a form of a yellow robotic arm on a stand. Behind is the CrystalDirect™ Harvester, which is a white cuboid with two transparent dimmed windows for laser protection.

Biology meets engineering

Lab MattersScience & Technology Physicists, engineers and robotics experts work together in EMBL Hamburg’s Instrumentation Team to design instruments that support structural biology research. The team has finished a transfer robot that facilitates automated handling of protein crystals with care and precision. This will help…



15 February 2023 A photo of a scientist operating one of the instruments at the EMBL SPC Facility.

Supporting scientists across Europe: the SPC Facility at EMBL Hamburg

Lab MattersScience & Technology EMBL Hamburg’s Sample Preparation and Characterisation (SPC) Facility offers scientists access to almost all available biophysics technologies. The facility’s staff provides advice and support with experiments and data analysis. The facility is conveniently located just next to the EMBL…



31 January 2023

ERC Consolidator Grant success at EMBL

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters EMBL Rome group leader Jamie Hackett receives EUR 2 million for the ModLogic project, aimed at understanding how chromatin modifications impact gene activity.



21 September 2022 Photo of the speakers during the panel discussion. Edith Heard is talking. In front of the panel, there is the audience seen from the back, and behind the panel there are banners with the DESY PETAR IV logos and a slide displaying the names of the panellists.

PETRA IV and future opportunities at EMBL Hamburg beamlines

Lab MattersScience & Technology EMBL joined a kick-off event focusing on the developments related to the upgrade of the PETRA III synchrotron storage ring to PETRA IV at the DESY campus, where EMBL Hamburg is located. PETRA IV could open new possibilities at EMBL Hamburg, contributing to the goals of the EMBL Programme…



10 June 2022 A colourful structural model of the doughnut-shaped human nuclear pore complex seen from above.

Puzzling out the structure of a molecular giant

Science & Technology Scientists have solved several mysteries around the structure and function of a true molecular giant: the human nuclear pore complex. They created the most complete model of the complex thanks to combining the program AlphaFold2 with cryo-electron tomography, integrative modelling, molecular…



18 May 2022 The visiting group from the Business Academy Aarhus during lunch at the EMBL Hamburg’s terrace

EMBL Hamburg is helping train lab techs of the future

Lab Matters Students from the Business Academy Aarhus visit EMBL Hamburg annually. Many of them return later as trainees to gain experience as lab technicians. EMBL Hamburg offers great opportunities to learn diverse techniques and work with various equipment. This experience helps them in their future jobs in…



1 February 2022 A photograph of the Amazonian lancehead snake Bothrops atrox

Decoding the secrets of snake venom

Science & Technology EMBL Hamburg’s Grzegorz Chojnowski from the Wilmanns Group developed software called findMySequence, which identifies proteins’ amino-acid sequences based on electron cryo-microscopy and X-ray crystallography data. It’s useful for identifying unknown proteins in samples from natural sources.



21 December 2021 A model of the doughnut-shaped nuclear pore complex. Individual molecules are marked in various colours.

Observing the secret life of molecules inside the cell

Science & Technology EMBL Hamburg’s Kosinski Group, the Beck Laboratory at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, and colleagues at EMBL Heidelberg recorded the nuclear pore complex contracting in living cells. They visualised the movement with an unprecedented level of detail with help of new software called…



7 December 2021 A cartoon image showing a person's arm and a needle with a vaccine being injected into it. The text on the left reads: "EMBL research: How structural biologists at EMBL Hamburg help to develop and improve RNA vaccines"

How structural biology helps to make RNA vaccines

Science & Technology RNA vaccines, such as the ones for COVID-19, represent a new approach in vaccine technology. Cy Jeffries, faculty staff scientist at EMBL Hamburg, explains the clever technology behind RNA vaccines, and how structural biology contributes to its development. EMBL Hamburg collaborated on several…



8 November 2021 A scientist is carefully handling capilars at the P12 beamline at EMBL Hamburg.

EMBL Hamburg trains future generations of life scientists in using SAXS

Lab MattersScience & Technology Each year, EMBL Hamburg’s Svergun Group offers practical EMBO courses and lecture courses on biological small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The courses provide young scientists an opportunity to gain hands-on experience by measuring their own samples, and by exploring different aspects of SAXS…



5 November 2021 A headshot photo of Ken Holmes from July 2021

Ken Holmes

People & Perspectives Ken Holmes, outstanding pioneer of structural biology and founder of EMBL´s Hamburg site, died on 2 November 2021 at the age of 87.



5 November 2021 Three-dimensional rendering of sponge neuroid cells (coloured orange) and sponge digestive cells (coloured green).

More than a gut reaction

Science & Technology What can sponges tell us about the evolution of the brain? Sponges have the genes involved in neuronal function in higher animals. But if sponges don’t have brains, what is the role of these? EMBL scientists imaged the sponge digestive chamber to find out.



25 October 2021 A collage of the visuals representing each of the three modules of the eSPC platform.

Biophysics analysis made easy with an online tool

Science & Technology EMBL Hamburg’s Sample Preparation and Characterisation (SPC) Facility has released eSPC, an online platform for analysing data from biophysical experiments. The platform enables the scientific community to analyse data from different experiments without the need to travel.



15 October 2021 In the middle, there are two molecules of pUL21. One is blurred, to represent the molecule’s flexibility. In the background are two neuronal scenes. The one on the left is healthy and has a smooth surface. The one on the right is infected, which is represented by several green viral particles.

How herpes seizes proteins’ means of production

Science & Technology The Graham and Crump groups at the University of Cambridge and the Svergun Group at EMBL Hamburg have discovered a mechanism by which the herpes simplex virus takes control of the molecular machinery of human cells. Their work reveals how a dedicated viral protein hijacks key host proteins, forcing…



20 August 2021 Liz Duke in front of the PETRA III synchrotron.

Welcome: Liz Duke

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives The new team leader at EMBL Hamburg talks about her plans to establish biological X-ray imaging and high-throughput tomography.



13 July 2021 From right to left, Ilaria Piazza and Ken Holmes’ portraits are side by side in circles on a greenish background

EMBL Alumni Awards 2021

People & Perspectives EMBL alumni Ilaria Piazza and Ken Holmes have been recognised for their outstanding contributions, and will receive their awards as part of the celebrations for EMBL World Alumni Day.



12 July 2021 Close-up illustration of the Kinesin-1 protein, intertwined with the aTm1 protein in a helix, next to loopy mRNA molecules.

A model of cooperation for transporting mRNA

Science & Technology EMBL scientists generate a high-resolution crystal structure of the Kinesin-1/aTm1 transport complex in the fruit fly.



9 July 2021 Melissa Graewert stands in front of steely machine

From antibodies to nanoplastics

Science & Technology EMBL’s Melissa Graewert and colleagues are taking a structural biologist’s approach to better understanding nanoplastic particles.



8 June 2021 Two scientists in lab coats working on an instrument in the lab.

EMBL external research community survey

Lab Matters EMBL is conducting an Impact Assessment of our experimental services to understand the value these services have for our external user community. If you have accessed EMBL experimental services at one or more of our facilities to support the conduct of your research, we would like to hear from you.



4 June 2021 Man in white shirt and blue jeans standing on a terrace in front of trees, facing the camera.

The power of community

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives EMBL Director Matthias Hentze describes the Environmental Research Initiative: a community effort to solve global environmental challenges.



21 May 2021 Image of a mosquito on a clear surface

EMBL scientists support malaria research

Science & Technology EMBL scientists support research on malaria by providing freely available data resources and using innovative experimental approaches. Our Course and Conference Office facilitates the exchange of knowledge in the field by hosting the annual BioMalPar conference.



6 April 2021 A model of Glycine Transporter 1, which is located in the cell membrane. In its lower-middle part, it is bound by its inhibitor, which is a much smaller molecule. At its top, Glycine Transporter 1 is bound by a synthetic mini-antibody, called a sybody.

New perspectives for treating psychiatric disorders

Science & Technology Scientists have determined the structure of Glycine Transporter 1. The finding could open new avenues for developing therapeutics for psychiatric disorders



30 March 2021 A close-up photo of a shiny droplet of liquid that has been placed into one of the wells of a crystallisation plate.

Droplet beauty

Science & Technology Scientists at EMBL Hamburg use droplets of protein solution to grow protein crystals. By exposing the crystals to X-rays, they are able to determine the protein’s molecular structure.



22 February 2021 A scientist (only their hand is visible) inserting a 96-well plate into a sample dispensing device in the Sample Preparation and Characterisation Facility in Hamburg.

SPC Facility in Hamburg supports a new pan-European consortium

ConnectionsLab Matters The Sample Preparation and Characterisation (SPC) Facility at EMBL Hamburg is one of the founding members of the Molecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure (MOSBRI). Within this new European initiative, the SPC Facility will offer services related to membrane proteins, protein complexes,…



26 January 2021 Two X-ray mirrors installed in the macromolecular crystallography beamline P14 at EMBL Hamburg. The mirrors are visible in the photo as dark rectangular crystal blocks, with two metal holders supporting the crystals in a stress-free position. The mirrors are inserted into a vacuum-compatible stainless steel vessel.

Mirror, mirror

Science & Technology Scientists at EMBL Hamburg use specially designed mirrors to reflect and focus X-ray beams onto tiny crystals made of proteins or other biological molecules.



14 January 2021 An electron microscopy photo shows two bacterial cells surrounded by several white fibrils of the amphibian peptide.

Toadlet peptide transforms into a deadly weapon against bacteria

Science & Technology Researchers at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology and EMBL Hamburg, in collaboration with scientists in Israel and Spain, have discovered remarkable molecular properties of an antimicrobial peptide from the skin of the Australian toadlet. The discovery could inspire the development of…



12 January 2021 Three images showing close-ups of different EMBL facilitites.

EMBL becomes newest Instruct Centre

ConnectionsLab Matters EMBL’s sites in Grenoble, Hamburg, and Heidelberg form the newest Instruct Centre. The new centre offers users access to a broad range of state-of-the-art facilities.



12 January 2021 A metallic tool.

Homage to a vital tool

Science & Technology Structural biologists want to study proteins at the atomic level. The device shown in this Picture of the Week is essential for this.



1 December 2020 The image shows the beamline P12 at EMBL Hamburg. In the centre, several cylindrical elements are connected into a pipe-like structure. In the front, it is connected to a white box-shaped device, and several smaller devices and cables visible around. There is also a grid visible around the beamline.

EMBL facilities support development of RNA vaccines

Science & Technology Biotechnology company BioNTech and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz conduct collaborative research with EMBL scientists at the beamline P12 in Hamburg



1 December 2020 Rainbow on a cloudy sky above technical buildings.

Rainbow over the Hanseatic city

Lab Matters Hamburg hosts one of EMBL’s six sites. The city is notorious for its windy and rainy weather. Lots of rain also means a high chance of beautiful rainbows!



4 November 2020 SARS-CoV-2 is represented as a sphere with spike proteins poking out of its surface, which give it a corona-like appearance. The spike proteins resemble triangular ‘bushes’ with three tips at the top. In the background, a cell surface is visible with ACE2 proteins poking out of it in many places. The virus is about to attach to the cell surface. The sybodies, represented as tiny V-shaped structures, bind to the viral spike proteins at their tips.

Scientists identify synthetic mini-antibody to combat COVID-19

Science & Technology By screening hundreds of sybodies (synthetic mini-antibodies), scientists have identified one that might stop SARS-CoV-2 from infecting human cells. This work, which holds promise for treating COVID-19, was conducted by EMBL Hamburg and collaborators from the Centre for Structural Systems Biology…



16 October 2020 Meytal Landau is standing next to a lab bench. On the bench, laboratory equipment is visible, such as pipettes, flasks, bottles with reagents, a calculator, and more.

Welcome: Meytal Landau

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives New associate group leader at EMBL Hamburg investigates the structure of functional amyloids in bacteria and in human disease



13 October 2020 Molecular structure of essential light chain protein in Plasmodium glideosome. The atoms connected by bonds are symbolised by short connected lines. They are surrounded by electrons – the electron density is depicted as shapes resembling clouds. Water molecules are visible in several places as red spots. The data used to create this 3D model were obtained using X-ray crystallography at Petra III beamline, at EMBL Hamburg.

How deadly parasites ‘glide’ into human cells

Science & Technology A group of scientists led by EMBL Hamburg’s Christian Löw provide insights into the molecular structure of proteins involved in the gliding movements through which the parasites causing malaria and toxoplasmosis invade human cells.



3 September 2020 Left: Slice of a cell in grey. Right: Two 3D reconstructions of parts of the slice, showing the internal structure.

Nuclear pores in their natural context

Science & Technology Scientists from the Beck group have studied the 3D structure of nuclear pores in budding yeast. They show how the architecture of the nuclear pore complex differs inside cells compared to its form observed in vitro studies.



18 August 2020 Three cells, each looking like a face.

Three little ghosts

Science & Technology Despite their ghostly appearance, these are very real cell nuclei infected with Influenza A virus – the only influenza virus known to cause pandemics.



29 July 2020 Screenshot from the online SAXS course. Clement Blanchet, a senior scientist in the Svergun group at EMBL Hamburg, is presenting the P12 SAXS beamline at Petra III to the participants.

EMBL releases online course on solution scattering from biological macromolecules

EMBL Announcements The Svergun group at EMBL Hamburg has released the course ‘Solution Scattering from Biological Macromolecules’ in an online format for the first time. The course explores different aspects of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) for studying the structure of macromolecules.



9 June 2020 Beamline Hamburg

Shining high-brilliance beams on coronavirus structure

Science & Technology EMBL researchers are studying COVID-19-related molecules by exposing them to high-brilliance X-ray beams. The Svergun group at EMBL Hamburg is using biological small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) as part of a global effort by scientists to elucidate the structural organisation of SARS-CoV-2…



11 May 2020

EMBL SPC facility supports COVID-19 projects

Science & Technology The Sample Preparation and Characterisation Facility (SPC) at EMBL Hamburg reopens to support scientists working on Covid-19 research. The SPC Facility is one of the best equipped facilities in Europe is therefore in high demand from external users. Re-opening the facility also allows experts at…



28 April 2020 Close-up view of the interior of a protein analytics system

Exploring synthetic antibodies to stop coronavirus

Science & Technology Scientists at EMBL Hamburg and Karolinska Institutet Stockholm aim to find synthetic antibodies – known as nanobodies – that bind a surface protein of the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Nanobodies could prevent the virus from entering human cells and causing COVID-19.



7 April 2020

Exciting science!

Science & Technology EMBL is all about exciting science, through which we aim to achieve a fundamental understanding of biological processes.



19 December 2019 Before a biological sample reaches the beamline, a lot of work is put into its preparation. Scientists can use the wide range of services and resources at EMBL to prepare their biological samples for structural studies at the X-ray beamlines in Grenoble and Hamburg. Photo: Marietta Schupp/EMBL

Empowering European structural biology

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters EU funding for iNEXT-Discovery consortium unlocks key technologies for structural biology



2 August 2019 Eric Karsenti in Hamburg

We all come from the ocean

People & Perspectives Eric Karsenti's combined loves of biology and sailing set in motion the Tara Oceans expedition



18 July 2019 Heatmap representing the stability of an integral membrane proteins

First results from CSSB

Science & Technology EMBL scientists collaborate to develop new protocol for screening membrane protein stability



11 July 2019 Structure of the Elongator complex

A tRNA modifier at work

Science & Technology Using cryo-EM, scientists have determined the structure of a large protein complex called Elongator.



28 June 2019 EIPOD4 logo banner showing the 4 available tracks, research, industrial, clinical and academic.

EIPOD4: 2019 applications are open

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters EIPOD4 will prepare researchers for the increasing interdisciplinarity of scientific career paths



17 June 2019 A photo of the Hamburg harbour at dusk

EMBL and Tara: Hamburg

EMBL Announcements EMBL Hamburg and Tara raise awareness of the risks of microplastic pollution and global infection



31 May 2019 EMBL scientists in a bar for the event Pint of Science

A thirst for science

Lab Matters EMBL got together with the global science festival Pint of Science to explain and celebrate science.



22 October 2018 An 88% complete model of human hemoglobin (PDB id 5ni1) built de novo by ARP/wARP into a 3.2 Å cryo-EM map. IMAGE: Victor Lamzin/EMBL

ARP/wARP 8.0 released

Lab MattersScience & Technology Researchers at EMBL Hamburg have released the next generation of their ARP/wARP software



19 October 2018 A group of young students in front of the EMBL site in Hamburg.

Guiding young scientists

Connections 17 young scientists experienced hands-on training at EMBL Hamburg.



2 August 2018 Humans of EMBL: Outreach

Humans of EMBL: Outreach

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives Discover how EMBLers across all sites share their passion for science



1 June 2018 EMBL researchers and collaborators enjoy their EMBL pints.

A pint of EMBL science

Lab Matters EMBL and Pint of Science join forces to entertain and educate



21 March 2018 Maria Garcia Alai at the Sample Preparation and Characterisation Facility at EMBL Hamburg. PHOTO: EMBL/Joanna Pieprzyk

Welcome: Maria Garcia Alai

People & Perspectives The new head of facility at EMBL Hamburg will help users solve protein puzzles



8 March 2018 Netrin-1 bound to Draxin

Axon guidance and bundling are linked

Science & Technology EMBL scientists discover how two guidance cues work together when neurons project axons across the midline



21 December 2017

Your favourite reads of 2017

Lab Matters A look back at some of the most read stories on EMBL’s news website this year



29 November 2017 Collage of photos of some humans of EMBL discussed in this article

Humans of EMBL: Curiosity

Lab Matters EMBLers across all sites share how their curiosity about the world shapes their everyday life



3 October 2017 The structure of the nuclear pore complex obtained by integrative modelling

Welcome: Jan Kosinski

People & Perspectives EMBL’s new group leader based in Hamburg aims to create models of infection cycles



6 July 2017

CSSB opens its doors

ConnectionsLab Matters On 29 June, at a ceremony in front of 700 guests, the Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB) in Hamburg, was officially opened. At the event on the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) Campus in Hamburg, Helmut Dosch, Chairman of the DESY Board of Directors, presented Head of EMBL Hamburg…



28 February 2017

SESAME: a light in the desert

People & Perspectives EMBL alumna Zehra Sayers key driver of the Middle East’s first synchrotron project



8 December 2016

10th PEPC course in Hamburg

Connections The PEPC course celebrated its 10th anniversary in Hamburg from the 12 – 20 September this year



2 December 2016

Catching the chaperone in the act

Science & Technology How Christian Löw’s failed experiment led to an unexpected scientific journey



30 August 2016 Francesco Iorio, an EMBL-EBI/Sanger Interdisciplinary Postdoc and now a senior bioinformatician at EMBL-EBI, strives to be "a great dad, as well as a great researcher". PHOTO: Robert Slowley

Postdocs of EMBL

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives Turning the spotlight on the diverse universe of EMBL’s 200-strong postdoc community



30 August 2016 IMAGE: EMBL/Spencer Phillips

Form follows function

Science & Technology 'The PDB plays a crucial role in structural biology research and development'



14 June 2016

How cells bag their rubbish

Science & Technology How cells eliminate protein deposits that can lead to neurodegenerative disorders



10 May 2016 A small loop (green) of the atomic structure of DAPK shown to be crucial for dimer formation and binding with its signaling partner Calmodulin. IMAGE: Petra Riedinger/EMBL

Enzyme with a dual-purpose loop

Science & Technology Unexpected results: structure of DAPK enzyme reveals dual-purpose loop



21 April 2016 Jozef Ševcik at the X13 beamline at the DORIS ring in Hamburg. PHOTO: Rostislav Skrabana

Slovakian synergies

People & Perspectives Meet a driving force behind collaborations with the Slovak Republic, alumnus Jozef Ševčik



4 February 2016 Rob Meijers and Stephane Boivin at the Sample Preparation and Characterisation facility. PHOTO: EMBL/Rosemary Wilson

How to make a protein happy

Science & Technology Protein screens developed at EMBL Hamburg now commercially available



18 January 2016 A peroxisome containing protein crystals is hit by a free-electron laser. IMAGE: EMBL/CFEL, Thomas Seine

The cellular crystal factory

Science & Technology Hamburg collaborators analyse protein crystals inside the cells that made them.



15 January 2016 Full length CTP1L protein (green) in complex with truncated C-terminal domain (violet). IMAGE: Rob Meijers

One gene, two proteins, one complex

Science & Technology Further insights into how viral enzymes degrade the cell walls of Clostridia bacteria.



17 December 2015

What’s on in 2016

Connections With 28 conferences and 57 courses, 2016 will be EMBL’s most eventful year to date.



25 November 2015

Humans of EMBL

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives Compelling short stories that shine light on the life and work of EMBL staff.



24 November 2015 No coincidence: organisers of this year’s PhD Symposium gather at EMBL Heidelberg 22–24 October for Just by Chance? Randomness and variability shaping biology. PHOTO: EMBL Photolab/Marietta Shupp

EMBL in pictures

Lab Matters A snapshot of the many activities and events that took place in the world of EMBL this Autumn.



23 November 2015 More than 600 'diplomas' were awarded to budding crystallographers for successfully fishing crystals! PHOTO: DESY 2015

High-throughput event

Lab Matters Energy, enthusiasm and endurance on tap as thousands attend 12-hour Hamburg Night of Science.



26 October 2015

A whole new ball game

Lab Matters Hamburg researchers have a ball creating game to explain transporter protein mechanism.



14 September 2015 Erica Valentini. PHOTO: EMBL/Rosemary Wilson

From side-project to valuable resource

Lab MattersScience & Technology Introducing the Small Angle Scattering Biological Data Bank, developed at EMBL Hamburg.



13 July 2015

EIPOD goes cubic

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters EI3POD: flagship interdisciplinary postdoc programme opens its doors to academia and industry.



6 April 2015

Bypassing errors

Science & Technology Coin toss inspires CorMap: a new statistical test that sidesteps need for error estimation.



20 February 2015 Scanning electron micrograph of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, which cause TB.

Attack from all sides

Science & Technology Hamburg-led tuberculosis study demonstrates the power of collaboration.



26 January 2015

Light years ahead

Science & Technology As EMBL Hamburg celebrates 40 years, we explore the past, present and future of crystallography.



26 January 2015

It all started with muscle…

Lab Matters Ken Holmes, one of the visionaries behind EMBL and EMBL Hamburg, looks back to where it all began.



11 December 2014

Lighting the way

EMBL Hamburg celebrates four decades of vision, pioneering research and beamline services.



11 December 2014

Dinner with a Nobel Laureate

Lab Matters The day EMBL Hamburg predocs and postdocs invited Nobel Prize Winner Ada Yonath to dinner.



18 November 2014

On a SAXS quest

Course attendees go hunting (protein) aliens in a quest for optimal SAXS data.



3 November 2014

PEPC recipe for success

How to make good quality samples for good quality structural biology experiments.



9 October 2014

Blog roundup: September

Lab Matters Pathfinding – poetic and practical – was a common theme in blogs from the EMBL network.



8 August 2014

International connections

Science & Technology How a single molecule can attract and repel growing brain connections



24 July 2014 C. diff bacterium

Fighting bacteria – with viruses

Science & Technology Molecular switch enables viruses to destroy C.diff bacteria – potential alternative to antibiotics



1 July 2014 Illustration: Aad Goudappel, Rotterdam

Five for the future

Lab Matters Scientists from EMBL's five sites reflect on the opportunities and challenges that might lie ahead



14 February 2011 3D structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis’ enzyme PriA

Two in one

Science & Technology In a paper published online today in PNAS, scientists from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Hamburg, Germany, reveal new insights into the workings of enzymes from a group of bacteria including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. The new findings…



8 November 2010 Signing the declaration of accession to the EIROforum: Massimo Altarelli, Chairman of the XFEL Management Board (left) and Francesco Romanelli, Chairman of the EIROforum (right). In the back (left to right): Francesco Sette (ESRF), Felicitas Pauss (CERN), Iain Mattaj (EMBL), Richard Wagner (ILL), Rowena Sirey (ESO) and David Southwood (ESA)

European XFEL joins EIROforum

Lab Matters At the Autumn 2010Council meeting of the EIROforum, a partnership of seven European intergovernmental research organisations with large research infrastructures, the Directors General unanimously accepted the European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility (European XFEL), based in Hamburg, Germany, to…



26 January 2010 This image shows the three-dimensional structure of Death-Associated Protein Kinase (green and yellow) when bound to calmodulin (violet and blue). It was obtained by X-ray crystallography. Image credit: Mathias Wilmanns / EMBL

How to shoot the messenger

Science & Technology Cells rely on a range of signalling systems to communicate with each other and to control their own internal workings. Scientists from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Hamburg, Germany, have now found a way to hack into a vital communications system, raising the possibility of…



11 January 2006

The giant protein titin helps build muscles

Science & Technology Imagine grabbing two snakes by the tail so that they can’t wriggle off in opposite directions. Scientists at the Hamburg Outstation of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and collaborators from King’s College in London have now discovered that something similar happens to a…



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