Our scientists enjoy some EMBL pints.
IMAGE: Carla Manzanas/EMBL
Last week, EMBL got together with the global science festival Pint of Science to explain and celebrate science. Our scientists in Barcelona, Grenoble, Hamburg and Heidelberg left their labs, went to pubs and shared their research with hundreds of science enthusiasts while having a beer. Here are some reactions from the audience:
I’d never heard people speak so passionately about science before.
It’s important for scientists to present their work. Especially for people like me who know nothing about science, it’s important for us to know what’s happening in that world. Many things might be relevant to our everyday lives.
They explain really well what they do, even if it’s a complicated subject.
Pint of Science will be back in 2020 – and EMBL researchers will again be involved.
Phil Oel explains how the ancient eyes of lampreys can teach us about how we see. IMAGE: Patrick Müller/EMBL
The audience is fascinated by the scientists’ presentations and can’t suppress a smile or two. IMAGE: Patrick Müller/EMBL
Heura Blaya engages the audience in Barcelona. IMAGE: Carla Manzanas/EMBL
The EMBL Barcelona team talk about how can light help us in science and how cells self-organise from initial chaos. IMAGE: Carla Manzanas / EMBL
In the first part of EMBL Grenoble’s presentation, Joanna Wandzik showed how EMBL research can be used to fight the flu virus. IMAGE: Danielle Desravines/EMBL
In the second part, Sissy Kalayil explained how the flu virus constantly comes up with new strategies to trick scientists, and how our scientific research helps us stay in the game. IMAGE: Danielle Desravines/EMBL