

computational biology

14 May 2024

Toby Gibson: what I’ve learned

People & Perspectives Toby Gibson reflects on 38 years at EMBL, the scientific tools he built along the way, and the state of science today.



20 March 2022 Portrait photo of EMBL Group Leader Judith Zaugg against a green background.

Judith Zaugg from EMBL Heidelberg receives ERC Consolidator Grant

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters Judith Zaugg, Group Leader at EMBL Heidelberg, has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant of €2 million funded under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. Over the next five years, the grant will enable her group to study cellular interactions in the human bone…



1 February 2022 A photograph of the Amazonian lancehead snake Bothrops atrox

Decoding the secrets of snake venom

Science & Technology EMBL Hamburg’s Grzegorz Chojnowski from the Wilmanns Group developed software called findMySequence, which identifies proteins’ amino-acid sequences based on electron cryo-microscopy and X-ray crystallography data. It’s useful for identifying unknown proteins in samples from natural sources.



25 November 2021 Female scientist in front of a background of green plants

Welcome: Maria Zimmermann-Kogadeeva

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives Maria Zimmermann-Kogadeeva is one of EMBL’s newest group leaders and a computational biologist whose research group applies computational modelling to better understand the metabolism of gut bacteria and their potential to have far-reaching impacts on other organs.



9 March 2021 Wolfgang Huber faces the camera smiling

Wolfgang Huber becomes ISCB Fellow

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters The contribution of EMBL Group Leader and Senior Scientist Wolfgang Huber has been recognised by the International Society for Computational Biology



7 December 2020 Female scientist stands in front of electron microscope that is taller than she is

Seeing deeper inside cells

Science & Technology While cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) was first envisioned in 1968, the advances the Mahamid group are bringing to this 3D method for studying molecules directly inside cells are new, and are likely to greatly expand its use.



7 September 2020 Human silhouette showing internal organs including oesophagus and stomach. Circle with DNA bases A,T, C and G superimposed.

Genome sequencing accelerates cancer detection

Science & Technology The Gerstung Group at EMBL-EBI and collaborators have developed a statistical model that analyses genomic data to predict whether a patient has a high or low risk of developing oesophageal cancer.



27 July 2020 Mosaic of microscopy images of tumour, forming two broken DNA molecules

Artificial intelligence finds patterns of mutations and survival in tumour images

Science & Technology Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence algorithm that uses computer vision to analyse tissue samples from cancer patients. The algorithm can distinguish between healthy and cancerous tissues, and can also identify patterns DNA and RNA changes in tumours.



9 June 2020 This image shows the structure of a bacterial group II intron

Genetic cut and paste at atomic resolution

Science & Technology Researchers in the Marcia group at EMBL Grenoble and the De Vivo lab at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa have obtained some of the most detailed ever snapshots of the splicing process in systems known as group II self-splicing introns. The new insights will help scientists to develop…



22 May 2020

EMBL scientists investigate rare lung disease

Science & Technology Researchers in EMBL’s Zaugg group have studied the causes of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a rare disease that causes high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs. The study, carried out in collaboration with Stanford University School of Medicine, compared lung cells of patients…



10 July 2019 A word cloud displaying the most frequently used words in issue 93 of the EMBLetc. magazine

Programming: language

Science & Technology How computer processing of human language is harnessed by EMBL scientists



26 November 2018 Sarah Butcher EMBL-EBI Technical Team Leader

Welcome: Sarah Butcher

Lab Matters Building bridges between scientists and software developers



30 October 2018 Sanofi logo on blue background

Sanofi joins Open Targets

ConnectionsLab Matters Pharmaceutical company Sanofi strengthens drug targets discovery collaboration Open Targets



23 May 2018 As a cell prepares to divide, the chromosomes (shown here in pink) condense, becoming more tightly coiled and easier to observe under the microscope. The faint structure in the centre is a cell nucleus in which the chromosomes are in their usual decondensed state.

Exploring genetic variation

Science & Technology EMBL group leader Jan Korbel reflects on his scientific origins and current research



28 March 2018 Virginie Uhlmann on EPFL campus

Welcome: Virginie Uhlmann

People & Perspectives New EMBL-EBI Group Leader will make sense of bioimaging data



9 February 2018 Arnaud Krebs, EMBL’s new group leader studies how gene expression is controlled

Welcome: Arnaud Krebs

People & Perspectives EMBL’s new group leader studies how gene expression is controlled



14 December 2017 Philipp Keller’s work imaged the early development of a zebrafish embryo using light sheet microscopy

A physical revolution

People & Perspectives EMBL physicist-turned-biologist alumni win 2017 Kendrew and Phillipson awards



9 August 2017 Photo of Evangelia Petsalaki by Mary Todd Bergman, EMBL-EBI

Welcome: Evangelia Petsalaki

People & Perspectives A new group at EMBL-EBI aims to decipher cell signalling networks



9 June 2017

Mapping gene expression, cell by cell

Science & Technology EMBL researchers complete a molecular atlas showing gene expression in all cells in an entire animal



13 March 2017

Futures: Genome regulation

Science & Technology ERC grantee Eileen Furlong shares her vision for the next ten years



21 September 2016

Powering proteomics progress

People & Perspectives EMBL alumnus Angus Lamond is driving forward new ways to explore the proteome



24 June 2016

Bork lab peers gather

Lab Matters 27 former Bork lab members joined Peer for a full-day get-together this summer



10 August 2015 DREAM challenges

Life is but a DREAM

Science & Technology Crowd sourcing initiative to predict effects of toxic compounds: results of 2013 DREAM Challenge.



9 July 2015

The genome in the cloud

Science & Technology Jan Korbel and colleagues publish commentary on risks and rewards of genome cloud computing.



3 July 2015

Sky’s the limit

Lab MattersScience & Technology Academic community clouds take cancer research towards a brighter future.



5 May 2015

When microbes feed each other

Science & Technology Cooperate or compete? Microbes show us that getting along is the better choice for communities.



20 June 2008

Scientists fix bugs in our understanding of evolution

Science & Technology What makes a human different from a chimp? Researchers from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) have come one important step closer to answering such evolutionary questions correctly. In the current issue of Science they uncover…



31 October 2005

ENFIN! Computational systems biology comes to a lab bench near you

Lab MattersScience & Technology The Commission of the European Union has awarded EUR 9 million over five years for a new Network of Excellence that will make computational systems biology accessible to bench scientists throughout Europe and beyond. ENFIN, which stands for ‘Experimental Network for Functional…



28 February 2005

Double recognition of EBI scientists by the ISCB

EMBL Announcements The International Society for Computational Biology has named two scientists from the European Bioinformatics Institute as the winners of its awards for 2005. Janet Thornton wins the Senior Scientist Accomplishment Award while the Overton Prize goes to Ewan Birney. Thomas Lengauer, the ISCB’s…



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