


1 March 2024 Photographs of two male scientists in round insets against a decorative background

2024 EMBL Alumni Award recipients announced

EMBL Announcements Two former EMBL scientists have been recognised for their outstanding contributions to research and leadership capabilities in the fields of evolutionary cell biology and molecular medicine.



19 December 2023 Cartoon showing nanoparticles on a conveyer belt passing through a machine. They are ordered by size and the smallest one pass through the machine before the bigger ones. A ray of light enters the machine, where a nanoparticle is being scanned, and leaves it on the other side. A monitor on top of the scanning machine shows an X-ray of a nanoparticle.

‘X-ray vision’ for investigation of mRNA nanomedicines

Science & Technology EMBL Hamburg, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Postnova Analytics GmbH, and BioNTech SE have developed a new method to quantitatively investigate sizes of nanoparticles containing mRNA. It may become an important part of regular characterisation of mRNA nanomedicines in the future.



27 November 2023 Photo of two people brainstorming at the table covered with several papers and images related to the research project, such as the structure of the molecule, a map with the Solar Lake marked, photo of EMBL Hamburg, photo of Garo Antranikian looking into a microscope, pages of the manuscript, data graphs, and more.

Hamburg collaboration paves the way to cleaner technologies for industry

Science & Technology An interdisciplinary collaboration between Hamburg scientists has yielded new insights into the structure and function of a heat-resistant enzyme from an exotic microbe. In this interview, EMBL Hamburg’s Matthias Wilmanns and TUHH’s Garo Antranikian discuss how their collaboration developed and…



15 November 2023 Female scientist

Advocating for a generalist approach to science and life

EMBLetc Sara Fahs, who did her PhD from EMBL Heidelberg and is one of the newest members of the EMBL alumni association board, writes about key insights from her journey in science and her work on medicinal chemistry, during a career spanning academia and industry.


2 October 2023 Outline of a human, purple against red background. Red RNA strand in the background, electrocardiogram across the image. On the right, outline of a Nobel prize medal.

mRNA nanomedicines scoop Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Science & Technology Pioneers of the mRNA nanomedicines technology receive 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine. EMBL is pleased to have supported the development of the application of the mRNA nanomedicine technology through our long-standing collaboration with BioNTech, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and…



21 September 2023 Man standing outside

Welcome: David Hulcoop

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives David Hulcoop discusses how his experience bridging organisational cultures will help address critical challenges in drug discovery and target selection at Open Targets.



5 July 2023 Man standing in corridor

David Hulcoop appointed as Open Targets Director

EMBL Announcements Coming from a pharmaceutical industry background, David Hulcoop is set to take over as Executive Director of the public-private partnership Open Targets.



4 May 2023 Man stands in front of board listing corporate partner names

Vizgen joins EMBL science-industry programme

ConnectionsLab Matters Vizgen, the life science company dedicated to improving human health by visualising single-cell spatial genomics information, has joined EMBL’s Corporate Partnership Programme.



10 February 2022 Pfizer logo with pipette tips in the background

Pfizer joins the Open Targets consortium

Connections Open Targets, a consortium focused on drug target identification, prioritisation, and validation, announced today that Pfizer has joined as a partner.



21 January 2022 The cross-section of a cell expressing a green fluorescently tagged protein and illuminated by a blue laser is visible in the foreground, surrounded by a vortex of cells

Cell sorting enters a new dimension

Science & Technology EMBL researchers, in collaboration with BD Biosciences, have demonstrated a new technology that allows rapid image-based sorting of cells. The new technology represents a major upgrade to flow cytometry and has applications in diverse life science fields.



7 December 2021 A cartoon image showing a person's arm and a needle with a vaccine being injected into it. The text on the left reads: "EMBL research: How structural biologists at EMBL Hamburg help to develop and improve RNA vaccines"

How structural biology helps to make RNA vaccines

Science & Technology RNA vaccines, such as the ones for COVID-19, represent a new approach in vaccine technology. Cy Jeffries, faculty staff scientist at EMBL Hamburg, explains the clever technology behind RNA vaccines, and how structural biology contributes to its development. EMBL Hamburg collaborated on several…



6 April 2021 A model of Glycine Transporter 1, which is located in the cell membrane. In its lower-middle part, it is bound by its inhibitor, which is a much smaller molecule. At its top, Glycine Transporter 1 is bound by a synthetic mini-antibody, called a sybody.

New perspectives for treating psychiatric disorders

Science & Technology Scientists have determined the structure of Glycine Transporter 1. The finding could open new avenues for developing therapeutics for psychiatric disorders



1 December 2020 The image shows the beamline P12 at EMBL Hamburg. In the centre, several cylindrical elements are connected into a pipe-like structure. In the front, it is connected to a white box-shaped device, and several smaller devices and cables visible around. There is also a grid visible around the beamline.

EMBL facilities support development of RNA vaccines

Science & Technology Biotechnology company BioNTech and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz conduct collaborative research with EMBL scientists at the beamline P12 in Hamburg



15 June 2020 Arise logo

Life sciences open their doors for engineers

Lab Matters The European Molecular Biology Laboratory has secured 6.8 million Euros funding from the European Commission to launch a unique training programme. The ARISE Programme will train and develop Europe’s next generation leadership for research infrastructures in the life sciences.



22 January 2020

Antibody engineering for therapy and diagnosis

Lab MattersScience & Technology The new EMBL spinoff company Araxa Biosciences GmbH aims to set new standards for the development of antibody-based therapeutics and diagnostics



28 June 2019 EIPOD4 logo banner showing the 4 available tracks, research, industrial, clinical and academic.

EIPOD4: 2019 applications are open

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters EIPOD4 will prepare researchers for the increasing interdisciplinarity of scientific career paths



28 November 2018 EIPOD postdocs work together as part of the Corporate Summer School.

Science in industry

Lab Matters EMBL postdocs discover industry-led research opportunities at the Corporate Summer School



30 October 2018 Sanofi logo on blue background

Sanofi joins Open Targets

ConnectionsLab Matters Pharmaceutical company Sanofi strengthens drug targets discovery collaboration Open Targets



24 May 2018 Daniel Elias Martin Herranz EMBL-EBI

PhD goals: why not start a company?

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives EMBL-EBI PhD student launches start-up focusing on epigenetics and wellbeing



4 May 2018 Celgene logo on white background

Celgene joins Open Targets

ConnectionsLab Matters New partner strengthens drug discovery collaboration



7 March 2018 EMBL spinoff Velabs Therapeutics to help antibody discovery. IMAGE: Velabs Therapeutics

EMBL spinoff to help antibody discovery

Lab MattersScience & Technology New EMBL spinoff company Velabs Therapeutics aims to speed up discovery of therapeutic antibodies



15 June 2017 Revathi Nathaniel, UX expert at EMBL-EBI.

UX toolkit aids industry R&D

Science & Technology Exploring the potential of user experience for life sciences through industry workshops



6 March 2017

Pathways: Life science investment

People & Perspectives EMBL alumnus Joep Muijrers talks about making the transition from science into business



26 September 2016

Turning up the heat on drug side effects

Science & Technology Side-effects of leukaemia drug explained, reveal possibility of repurposing to treat other diseases



30 August 2016

Fundraising dimensions

Connections Alumnus and entrepreneur Marc Zabeau speaks at inaugural Life Science Funders and Foundations event



23 May 2016 UK-based EMBL alumni gather at Trinity Hall, Cambridge in May 2016. PHOTO: Robert Slowley

Making business in Britain

Connections Abel Ureta-Vidal and Louise Modis join colleagues and peers at gathering of UK-based alumni



8 February 2016 Biogen joins the CTTV

Biogen joins CTTV

ConnectionsLab Matters Pioneering target validation collaboration expands to accelerate drug discovery research.



4 February 2016 Rob Meijers and Stephane Boivin at the Sample Preparation and Characterisation facility. PHOTO: EMBL/Rosemary Wilson

How to make a protein happy

Science & Technology Protein screens developed at EMBL Hamburg now commercially available



13 July 2015

EIPOD goes cubic

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters EI3POD: flagship interdisciplinary postdoc programme opens its doors to academia and industry.



29 April 2015 Riccardo Cortese, former head of the Genome Biology Unit

Inside industry: Part I

Career insights from Riccardo Cortese, whose start-up is developing an Ebola vaccine candidate.



29 April 2015

Inside industry: Part II

Alumni in senior positions in industry share career challenges, highlights and EMBL’s continuing role.



1 July 2014

Resourceful alumni

Two EMBL alumni, each developing community-led tools to support life science research



25 June 2014

On target

ConnectionsLab Matters A new EMBL-EBI biomedical initiative works to determine the best target proteins for new drugs.



9 August 2006

EMBL scientists found start-up company to develop anti-cancer drugs

Lab Matters Today EMBL scientists, EMBL’s commercial affiliate, EMBL Enterprise Management Technology Transfer GmbH (EMBLEM) and EMBL’s venture vehicle, EMBL Ventures GmbH, announce the foundation of Elara Pharmaceuticals GmbH, a start-up company that will translate basic research findings into new…



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