


2 April 2024

DECIPHER v11.25 released

The latest DECIPHER update, version 11.25, introduces new key features including the integration of functional data from multiplexed assays of variant effect (MAVEs) and much more.



24 January 2022 Three women are seen in front of a computer, with the electron micrograph of a woodlouse visible on the screens

EMBL Imaging Centre kickstarts training with workshop for undergraduates

Lab Matters The new EMBL Imaging Centre held its first on-site training workshop, introducing undergraduate students to the basics of volume electron microscopy. This marks the first of many opportunities to aid capacity-building in imaging techniques in Europe.



22 October 2021 Oblong shape with two holes and coloured dots inside, representing phytoplankton cells and nitrogen-fixing bacteria

Analysis and sorting with flow cytometry

Lab MattersScience & Technology A technology around since the ‘60s, flow cytometry has increasing applications. New leadership at EMBL’s flow cytometry facilities is looking to ease use, expand training, and encourage more collaboration.



23 September 2021 Pink and blue dominate a blurry image against a black background that is actually a global image of a 30-day-old Octopus vulgaris

The secret life of baby octopuses

Science & Technology Some of the most amazing creatures live in the deep blue sea. The Mesoscopic Imaging Facility (MIF) at EMBL Barcelona was recently involved in studying one unique feature of the octopus: the ephemeral structures on the surface of their skin called Kölliker’s organs.



8 September 2021 Illustration of two halves of a pill, which releases chemical molecules that are taken up by gut bacteria in the vicinity.

Common medications accumulate in gut bacteria

Science & Technology A new collaborative study led by EMBL group leaders Kiran Patil, Nassos Typas, and Peer Bork has found that common medications accumulate in human gut bacteria. This process reduces drug effectiveness and affects the metabolism of common gut microbes, thereby altering the gut microbiome.



7 September 2021 Close up of the interior of a light-sheet microscope, featuring optical equipment and a transparent cube.

A flip book for biological systems

Science & Technology In the Mesoscopic Imaging Facility (MIF) at EMBL Barcelona, researchers study the details of biological systems in the context of organs, body parts, or entire organisms. This image shows OPTiSPIM1, one of the custom light-sheet microscope setups available at the facility.



10 August 2021 Scientist working on an instrument of the MASSIF-1 beamline

MASSIF-1 beamline in Grenoble supports COVID-19 drug discovery

Lab MattersScience & Technology MASSIF-1, run jointly by EMBL Grenoble and the ESRF, is a beamline for macromolecular crystallography. It is used by the research community to study the 3D structure of proteins, which is important for drug development.



8 June 2021 Two scientists in lab coats working on an instrument in the lab.

EMBL external research community survey

Lab Matters EMBL is conducting an Impact Assessment of our experimental services to understand the value these services have for our external user community. If you have accessed EMBL experimental services at one or more of our facilities to support the conduct of your research, we would like to hear from you.



8 June 2021 Purple, blue and yellow dots on a black background.

Dream team

Science & Technology At EMBL, we have many dream teams – groups of individuals who support each other, innovate, and work together. One of those dream teams bridges two core facilities at EMBL Rome.



3 June 2021 Illustration of a rocky coastline with sailing boat, mountains, underwater organisms, bridge and factory in the background.

Living laboratories

Science & Technology Under the innovative Planetary Biology research theme, EMBL scientists aim to understand life in the context of its environment.



6 April 2021 A model of Glycine Transporter 1, which is located in the cell membrane. In its lower-middle part, it is bound by its inhibitor, which is a much smaller molecule. At its top, Glycine Transporter 1 is bound by a synthetic mini-antibody, called a sybody.

New perspectives for treating psychiatric disorders

Science & Technology Scientists have determined the structure of Glycine Transporter 1. The finding could open new avenues for developing therapeutics for psychiatric disorders



22 February 2021 A scientist (only their hand is visible) inserting a 96-well plate into a sample dispensing device in the Sample Preparation and Characterisation Facility in Hamburg.

SPC Facility in Hamburg supports a new pan-European consortium

ConnectionsLab Matters The Sample Preparation and Characterisation (SPC) Facility at EMBL Hamburg is one of the founding members of the Molecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure (MOSBRI). Within this new European initiative, the SPC Facility will offer services related to membrane proteins, protein complexes,…



28 April 2020 Close-up view of the interior of a protein analytics system

Exploring synthetic antibodies to stop coronavirus

Science & Technology Scientists at EMBL Hamburg and Karolinska Institutet Stockholm aim to find synthetic antibodies – known as nanobodies – that bind a surface protein of the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Nanobodies could prevent the virus from entering human cells and causing COVID-19.



20 December 2017 The most curious genomes in Ensebl. Credit: Spencer Phillips/EMBL-EBI

Curious genomes

Science & Technology What are the strangest genomes in EMBL-EBI's Ensembl?



14 December 2016

New Crystallography platform inaugurated

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters A new crystallography platform in Grenoble opens the door to new technological developments



11 November 2016

Big data, cool servers

Lab Matters Upgraded server room is ready to take the heat at EMBL Grenoble



27 September 2016 CORBEL supports scientists working on advanced research projects in areas from advanced imaging, high-throughput screening and mouse mutant phenotyping. IMAGE: CORBEL

Accelerate your research with CORBEL

Lab MattersScience & Technology CORBEL Open Call launches October 2016, for access to 15 facilities and 8 research infrastructures



20 September 2016 Inauguration of the Szilárd Library in the late 1970s, led by John Kendrew (right). PHOTO: EMBL

Szilárd Library: An open book

People & Perspectives Past meets present as Library head Ioanna Ydraiou interviews EMBL’s first librarian



30 August 2016 IMAGE: EMBL/Spencer Phillips

Form follows function

Science & Technology 'The PDB plays a crucial role in structural biology research and development'



30 June 2016

Scientific twins

Science & Technology Collaborations shorten distance between EMBL Heidelberg, Germany, and CEITEC in Brno, Czech Republic



14 September 2015 Erica Valentini. PHOTO: EMBL/Rosemary Wilson

From side-project to valuable resource

Lab MattersScience & Technology Introducing the Small Angle Scattering Biological Data Bank, developed at EMBL Hamburg.



9 July 2015

The genome in the cloud

Science & Technology Jan Korbel and colleagues publish commentary on risks and rewards of genome cloud computing.



29 April 2015

Pathways: In the prime of life

Lab Matters Karin Sasaki is helping bridge the gap between quantitative and life science at EMBL.



28 January 2015 Gene expression in 20 mammals

Why is a dolphin not a cat?

How repurposing non-coding elements in the genome gave rise to the great ‘mammalian radiation’.



28 November 2014 WormBase Parasite

Record parasitic worm dataset

Largest collection of helminth genomic data ever assembled, in new open-access WormBase ParaSite.



21 October 2014 Map of EMBL-EBI users

Job dispatched

Lab Matters How does EMBL-EBI run millions of jobs for its users while moving its two large data centres?



17 October 2014 Close-up of flow cytometer

Go with the flow

Flow cytometry: finding needles in haystacks



9 October 2014

Blog roundup: September

Lab Matters Pathfinding – poetic and practical – was a common theme in blogs from the EMBL network.



10 September 2014 Gibbon genome sequenced

Gibbon genome joins Ensembl

Gibbon genome gives insights into evolution of this singing, swinging, tree-dwelling ape.



10 September 2014 RNAcentral launched

RNAcentral Station

RNAcentral is the first unified resource for all types of non-coding RNA data.



8 August 2014

New, improved human genome

Ensembl has incorporated a vast amount of knowledge into a fully annotated reference human genome



9 June 2009 Reflect applied to a pubmed webpage. Protein names found in the text are highlighted in blue, chemicals in orange. Pop-up windows provide extra information on the biomolecules.

New EMBL service makes web browsing efficient for biologists

The life sciences are scaling up and produce huge amounts of data and new literature at an amazing pace. The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) now offers a new free service to help researchers, teachers and students keep up-to-date with scientific literature on the web, especially when…



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