


27 November 2023 A man and a woman looking at the camera, parts of a restaurant are visible in the background.

Exploring the universe: Roel Wijnaendts

People & Perspectives EMBL alumnus Roel Wijnaendts looks back at a long career in academic research and entrepreneurship that has left an indelible mark in the fields of instrumentation and optics.



5 July 2023 Front page of annual report as shown on a tablet.

2022 EMBL Annual Report published

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters EMBL’s 2022 Annual Report is now available online, including a downloadable ‘Year in Review’.



18 November 2022 A molecular illustration in the background showing ribosomes inside a Mycoplasma cell. A banner on top reads 'EMBLetc. Issue 99'

EMBLetc. receives digital-first makeover

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters The biannual magazine that highlights EMBL’s research, people, and projects now has a new online home.



14 July 2022 Visualising the ocean below and above surface, showing several species and giving written details on the ocean microbiome composition

Priorities for ocean microbiome research

Science & Technology Microbial communities play essential roles in ocean ecology and planetary health. A recent publication highlights priorities for understanding and protecting ocean microbiomes.



29 June 2022 Two scientists are surrounded by an illustration of various types of molecules in pastel colours

EMBL 2021 Annual Report published

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters EMBL’s 2021 Annual Report is now available, sharing mission highlights from the year in a new digital-first, sustainable format.



23 February 2022 A male scientist in a white shirt stands at a walkway railing.

Welcome: Michael Dorrity

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives Michael Dorrity, one of EMBL’s newest group leaders, is studying how the environment influences early life stages in zebrafish.



26 October 2021

Science for sustainability

ConnectionsLab Matters The engagement of US and European Big Science facilities



22 September 2021 Logos of EMBL and Helmholtz Association on white background, over a green-and-blue pattern in the background.

EMBL and Helmholtz Health join forces

ConnectionsLab Matters EMBL and Helmholtz Association have signed a memorandum of understanding. The expanded collaboration of both institutions will focus on research related to health.



4 June 2021 Man in white shirt and blue jeans standing on a terrace in front of trees, facing the camera.

The power of community

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives EMBL Director Matthias Hentze describes the Environmental Research Initiative: a community effort to solve global environmental challenges.



3 June 2021 Illustration of a rocky coastline with sailing boat, mountains, underwater organisms, bridge and factory in the background.

Living laboratories

Science & Technology Under the innovative Planetary Biology research theme, EMBL scientists aim to understand life in the context of its environment.



11 February 2021 Logos of EMBL and the EMBRC.

Understanding Earth’s oceans together

ConnectionsLab Matters EMBL and EMBRC have signed a memorandum of understanding for increased scientific collaboration.



11 February 2021 Maria-Theresa Licka holding a smartphone displaying an app she developed. Vineyards, houses and hills in the background.

Coding between the vines

Lab Matters EMBL Teen Maria-Theresa Licka shares how female scientists guided & inspired her to develop an app to ID vine disease.



22 December 2020 Eulalia clavigera. Photo credit: Marine Biological Association

Darwin Tree of Life: looking back on 2020

Science & Technology Despite restrictions, 2020 has been a busy year for the Darwin Tree of Life Project. We take a look at some of this year’s achievements and highlights.



17 November 2020 Car parking rooftop with a solar power plant under construction on it.

Solar power

Lab Matters Despite the cold autumn weather, workers are busy on the rooftop of the parking garage at EMBL Heidelberg. The 2176 m² rooftop is getting transformed into a combination of a green roof and a photovoltaic plant. The planted green roof will retain rainwater, while the solar panels – installed in…



20 October 2020 Greyscale image of two sheep grazing.

Ecological lawn mowers

Lab Matters In 2012, EMBL used ecological lawn mowers to keep the grass short around the Advanced Training Centre at EMBL Heidelberg.



24 September 2020 The conference key visual shows a variety of species engulfed by fire, reflecting the conference title, ‘Our House Is Burning: Scientific and Societal Responses to Mass Extinction’.

Dinosaurs, dodos, and the future of life on Earth

Science & Technology EMBL’s 21st Science and Society Conference will address scientific and societal responses to mass extinctions. Ahead of his keynote speech, renowned palaeontologist Mike Benton explains how looking into the deep past can give us vital insights into the future of life on Earth.



19 August 2020 An embryo of the fruit fly Drosophila.

Predicting how gene expression varies

Science & Technology Discoveries at EMBL will help researchers to interpret one of the most common types of experiments in genomics and medical studies.



22 April 2020 Earth Day 2020 logo

EMBL statement on Earth Day 2020

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters To address global challenges, we need to better understand life in the context of environmental change, says EMBL Director General Edith Heard



22 April 2020 Portrait photo of Brendan Rouse, EMBL's Environmental Officer

Welcome: Brendan Rouse

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives Brendan Rouse came to Heidelberg in March as EMBL’s Environmental Officer, tasked with monitoring the organisation’s environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices. Here, he discusses his plans for the new role.



3 October 2019

EMBL and Tara: Barcelona

EMBL Announcements EMBL joins Tara in Barcelona to promote science and interdisciplinarity



12 September 2019 Tara stopover in Rome

EMBL and Tara: Rome

EMBL Announcements The next stop on Tara’s journey will be at the mouth of the Tiber



21 June 2014 Ocean Sampling Day 2014

Capturing marine biodiversity

Science & Technology Data from first ever worldwide Ocean Sampling Day will be shared via EMBL-EBI resources this autumn.



2 February 2007

Investigating the invisible life in our environment

Microorganisms make up more than a third of the Earth’s biomass. They are found in water, on land and even in our bodies, recycling nutrients, influencing the planet’s climate or causing diseases. Still, we know surprisingly little about the smallest beings that colonise Earth. A new…



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