


13 October 2023 Scientific illustration showing various model organisms used to study developmental plasticity and a series of concentric circles representing adaptability of interactions.

Understanding developmental plasticity in time and space

Lab MattersScience & Technology A two-week practical course introduced participants to the intricacies of studying the dynamic interplay between organisms and their changing environment and how it impacts development and evolution.



26 July 2023 Participants listen to the trainer in front of a screen displaying a microscopy image

Imaging-based spatial-omics: EMBO Practical Course at EMBL Rome 

Lab MattersScience & Technology The first EMBO Practical Course on imaging-based spatial-omics was organised at EMBL Rome to explore the latest techniques to visualise RNA transcripts and proteins in their native tissues.



24 January 2022 Three women are seen in front of a computer, with the electron micrograph of a woodlouse visible on the screens

EMBL Imaging Centre kickstarts training with workshop for undergraduates

Lab Matters The new EMBL Imaging Centre held its first on-site training workshop, introducing undergraduate students to the basics of volume electron microscopy. This marks the first of many opportunities to aid capacity-building in imaging techniques in Europe.



8 November 2021 A scientist is carefully handling capilars at the P12 beamline at EMBL Hamburg.

EMBL Hamburg trains future generations of life scientists in using SAXS

Lab MattersScience & Technology Each year, EMBL Hamburg’s Svergun Group offers practical EMBO courses and lecture courses on biological small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The courses provide young scientists an opportunity to gain hands-on experience by measuring their own samples, and by exploring different aspects of SAXS…



29 July 2020 Screenshot from the online SAXS course. Clement Blanchet, a senior scientist in the Svergun group at EMBL Hamburg, is presenting the P12 SAXS beamline at Petra III to the participants.

EMBL releases online course on solution scattering from biological macromolecules

EMBL Announcements The Svergun group at EMBL Hamburg has released the course ‘Solution Scattering from Biological Macromolecules’ in an online format for the first time. The course explores different aspects of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) for studying the structure of macromolecules.



13 July 2020 scientists teaching about the microbiome

Applications for virtual learning lab open

Lab Matters The European Learning Laboratory for the Life Sciences (ELLS), EMBL’s education facility, invites secondary school science teachers to participate in a virtual training course this autumn entitled ‘Introducing your microbiome’.



19 October 2018 A group of young students in front of the EMBL site in Hamburg.

Guiding young scientists

Connections 17 young scientists experienced hands-on training at EMBL Hamburg.



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