


18 August 2023 On green-hued multi-coloured background are four circle photographs of scientists working with high-tech equipment

Bringing scientific services together ‘2RISE’

Connections An upcoming EMBL-led infrastructure management training will help formalise information exchange in the Rhine-Neckar region to widen access to technology and scientific services for members of the Health + Life Science Alliance.



30 March 2023 Science illustration representing two embryos imaged using the Brillouin microscopy technique. The embryo in the front is a mouse embryo at 20h and the one in the back a Phallusia mammillata embryo. A laser beam crosses the samples to analyse tissue stiffness (here represented by acoustic waves).

Shining light on the mechanics of embryo development

Lab MattersScience & Technology A new microscope built by EMBL researchers, based on Brillouin scattering principles, allows scientists to observe the dynamics of mechanical properties inside developing embryos in real time.



1 December 2022

Getting closer to stopping toxoplasmosis infection

Science & Technology Recent studies supported by EMBL Grenoble’s expertise in structural biology research and scientific services have identified Altiratinib as a potential drug to stop toxoplasmosis infection and opened up treatment options against malaria.



3 November 2022 View from above of a small room with several tools, cables and pieces of technology. A rectangular box, a robotic arm and a device are highlighted in green.

Two in one: combining MASSIF-1 and CrystalDirect

Lab MattersScience & Technology Researchers and engineers have integrated a CrystalDirect harvester into the fully automated beamline MASSIF-1, a unique combination of structural biology technologies that is now open to external academic users.



13 April 2021 Picture showing MD3, the micro-diffractometer developed by the Instrumentation team, installed at one of the EMBL Hamburg's beamline. Credits: Kinga Lubowiecka/EMBL

Structural biology at EMBL: driving technology development

Lab MattersScience & Technology Florent Cipriani, who recently retired as Head of the Instrumentation Team after a long career at EMBL Grenoble, is one of the pioneers of instrumentation development in this field.



2 December 2020 Dark purple image with flashes of orange, gold, pink and paler purple that look a bit like lightning with a small sun-like image in the upper right section of the image

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative recognises EMBL scientists

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has recognised four EMBL researchers with their most recent awards, showing how tech trailblazers are integral to advancing science and medicine.



14 May 2020 NetApp logo

EMBL welcomes NetApp in its Corporate Partner Programme

ConnectionsLab Matters EMBL welcomes NetApp, a leader in cloud data services empowering global organisations to change their world with data, as member of the Corporate Partnership Programme of the EMBL Advanced Training Centre.



22 January 2020

Antibody engineering for therapy and diagnosis

Lab MattersScience & Technology The new EMBL spinoff company Araxa Biosciences GmbH aims to set new standards for the development of antibody-based therapeutics and diagnostics



6 April 2015

Bypassing errors

Coin toss inspires CorMap: a new statistical test that sidesteps need for error estimation.



4 March 2007

A clearer view on biology

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) has developed a new computational tool that makes images obtained with cutting-edge microscopes even sharper. The technological advance and its applications are published in this week’s online issue of the journal Nature Methods. Since the…



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