26 November 2024
The Complex Portal – an encyclopaedic resource of macromolecular complexes from key model organisms – has expanded its coverage of the Human Complexome. This includes: To find out more, read the new paper entitled Complex Portal 2025: Predicted human complexes and enhanced visualisation tools…
21 December 2023
Science & Technology
The Kosinski Group at EMBL Hamburg collaborated with other groups in Hamburg to reveal critical steps in Lassa virus ribonucleoparticle assembly and recruitment, and the crucial role played by RNA in in the Lassa virus life cycle.
13 July 2023
We are excited to announce the latest releases of IntAct and Complex Portal. IntAct 244 highlights Complex Portal 244 highlights
29 August 2018
Science & Technology
EMBL scientists discover how a component of the cohesin ring binds DNA
4 May 2009
Science & Technology
Most cellular processes are carried out by molecular machines that consist of many interacting proteins. These protein complexes lie at the heart of life science research, but they are notoriously hard to study. Their abundance is often too low to extract them directly from cells and generating…
22 January 2006
Science & Technology
Today researchers in Germany announce they have finished the first complete analysis of the “molecular machines” in one of biology’s most important model organisms: S. cerevisiae (baker’s yeast). The study from the biotechnology company Cellzome, in collaboration with the…
3 February 2005
Science & Technology
Most things that happen in the cell are the work of ‘molecular machines’ – complexes of proteins that carry out important cellular functions. Until now, scientists didn’t have a clear idea of when proteins form these machines – are these complexes pre-fabricated or put…
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