
Furlong Group

Genome regulation and chromatin topology during embryonic development


Jonas RiesCell Biology and Biophysics Unit, EMBL HeidelbergThree-dimensional chromatin architecture, single molecule imaging
Ewan BirneyEMBL-EBI, HinxtonGenomics, transcriptional regulation
Oliver StegleGenome Biology Unit, EMBL HeidelbergStatistical genomics and systems genetics
Jan KorbelGenome Biology Unit, EMBL HeidelbergStructural variants and their effect on development
Denis ThieffryInstitut de Biologie de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, FranceModeling gene regulatory networks
Saurabh SinhaUniversity of Illinois, USModeling regulatory and evolutionary sequence
Remo RohsUSC, USModeling DNA sequence
Pavel GeorgievInstitute of Gene Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, MoscowChromatin, insulators
Laurent PerrinINSERM-Université d’Aix-Marseille, FranceGene regulatory networks heart development
Johannes BacksDepartment of Cardiology, University of Heidelberg, GermanTranscriptional regulation in heart disease
Johannes BacksDepartment of Cardiology, University of Heidelberg, GermanyTranscriptional regulation in heart disease
Peter BeckerLMU, Munich, GermanyChromatin organisation during dosage compensation
Adrian BrackenTrinity College Dublin, IrelandChromatin, polycomb
Jay ShendureUniversity of Washington, USSingle cell genomics during embryonic development