
Ellenberg Group

Cell division and nuclear organisation

Fellow opportunities

We are always looking for highly motivated outstanding people to join our team. All interested should be curious about fundamental biological questions related to nuclear organisation or cell division, and be fascinated by molecular cell biology, the latest imaging technologies, or computational biology.

Topics and collaborations include (but are not limited to):

  • Next generation of gentle and high resolution light sheet microscopy approaches; with Luxendo/Bruker
  • AI-based image analysis, various biological topics; with Anna Kreshuk, EMBL Heidelberg
  • Super-resolution microscopy, various biological topics, but especially Imaging of nuclear pore structure and assembly; with Jonas Ries, EMBL Heidelberg
  • Imaging of genome structure and function; with Sinem Saka, EMBL Heidelberg, Jan-Michael Peters, IMP, and/or Daniel Gerlich, IMBA
  • Modelling chromosome and NPC structure and assembly; with Ewan Birney, EMBL-EBI, and/or Andrej Sali, UCSF, San Francisco, respectively
  • Cell division in early mammalian development; with Marta de Ruijter-Villani, Universitet Utrecht


Speculative applications of researchers from all disciplines with a recently completed PhD or who are about to finish their PhD are welcomed. Please send a CV, contacts for references or directly letters of recommendation, and a short outline of your research interests. Please get in touch to discuss your project ideas.

We are also now a hosting group for EMBL’s new ARISE Career Accelerator grant for future research infrastructure scientists, with extensive training opportunities. We are currently looking to host an ARISE fellow to develop and support the next generation of gentle and high resolution light sheet microscopy approaches.

Please get in touch with us to discuss.

We are usually also part of EMBL’s interdisciplinary fellowship programme (EIPOD). The last call closed in August 2021, but a new programme is going to be launched in autumn 2022. More information will be available soon.


At EMBL you cannot apply directly to individual labs for a PhD position. All students have to apply to the EMBL International PhD Programme (EIPP) to be selected. For details about EIPP, please visit the EIPP website.

If you are however specifically interested in us, please let us know anyways.


MSc or advanced BSc students are always welcome to apply for short projects, the minimum duration is however 6 months due to the advanced technologies we employ in our research, which require a significant training period. Please send a short motivation letter, a CV including grades and a list of courses taken, and a reference from at least one university advisor (researcher preferred) to Kai Sandvold Beckwith.
