Access to scientific literature and resources
Library account – check out, reserve and renew book loans, create a list of favorite resources, and order titles that are not available in the collection.
ORCID – all EMBL staff is encouraged to register and regularly update their ORCID record.
eLABJournal – an electronic lab notebook that helps organize and save the research lab procedures. (To set up an account please contact us).
iThenticate – the plagiarism detection software for theses and scientific publications. (To set up an account please contact us).
Grammarly for Education – an AI-powered writing assistant that helps students and faculty improve their writing skills by offering suggestions for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and more. (To set up an account please contact us ). For Unlimited Access users can purchase a Grammarly license using their group budget for uninterrupted access. Current cost is USD 115,70. For Shared Access (max. 3 months) users can access Grammarly for three months without personal budget allocation. After this period, the account can be deactivated and reassigned to another user).
O’Reilly learning platform – covers topics such as software development, project management, data analysis, finance, leadership, career development, system administration and more. (To set up your account please contact us). Accounts will be automatically deactivated after 6 weeks of inactivity).
Library and the reading room are located in ATC B29.01 – upper part of the former VIP Lounge/Executive Suite. The reading room is always open to users.
Its facilities include workspaces with monitors, public access iMacs, a lounge area with print issues of magazines and local daily newspapers. Printer is available and is located on the opposite side of the library (end of A helix).
The Szilárd Library holds mainly life science subjected collection responding to EMBL research groups and facilities. It also includes career and personal development, and popular science books. Special collection dedicated to EMBL monographs comprises of EMBL theses and EMBL authors’ and EMBL alumni publications, and the books written by or about Leo Szilárd.
Material not found in the library collection can be borrowed via inter-library loan or purchased as a suggestion.
Library provides book loans shipping to all EMBL sites. Regrettably, for the time being, it is not possible to loan library items to other libraries.
Access to e-journals is IP-based and available to all EMBL sites.
Subscribed Methods and Protocols can be browsed here.
As for the content without a subscription, articles can be ordered as PDFs from the publisher to be paid from the research group budget or scanned copies via an inter-library loan to be paid from the library budget.
The Szilárd Library is tasked with maintaining and curating publications’ records in EMBL’s Current Research Information System Converis.
Publications imported to Converis become visible to researchers’ personal and group pages.
For importing their pre-EMBL publications researchers are supported with Wiki.
The Szilárd Library has adopted Open Access as a core point of its mission and provides counseling and a number of discounts, agreements, and prepayment schemes for Open Access publishing.
More information on Open Access and publication services at EMBL can be found here.