Michael Hansen
Head of Catering
Food services Heidelberg
If you wish to order catering’s for your meetings in the ATC / Casino building or EMBL buildings, please fill in the Bretzel order form for small Caterings or for your bigger Events the first draft request at least 24 hours in advance and submit it to Catering@embl.de.
Please note that orders in the ATC have to be picked up from room 109 next to the Courtyard on level E1 and equipment must be returned there or in the Cafeteria.
When you go and pick up your order, please check whether your order is complete. If you wish to speak to Catering staff beforehand, please contact them by calling 7756 or 7708.
Head of Catering
Food services Heidelberg
EditCatering and Service Coordinator
EditCatering and Service Coordinator