Meet the EMBL Events Team: Julie – Course and Conference Office


Our mission is to train scientists. This blog is a platform for us to share updates on our annual programme, tips and tricks for scientists, new e-learning opportunities, and sometimes just something to make you smile.

Meet the EMBL Events Team: Julie

There’s a lot more to organising events than just the logistics. The marketing team makes sure that you find out about all of our events, you don’t miss any deadlines and that all the feedback you share with us is taken into consideration for improvement — oh yeah, and they also get to organise fun competitions!

Julie is the Marketing Team Lead. She’s great company, always has super helpful tips and a big, big smile on her face. She’s the team’s scientist and the statistics guru. Julie is always willing to lend an ear if you need it and she’ll be sure to cheer you up with some optimistic vibes.

Julie Heinecke PHOTO: Nicola Vegiopoulos/EMBL

At EMBL since: June 2014

Favourite place in Heidelberg:

Halle 02 Im Freien” on summer evenings (Thurs – Sat). When the weather is nice, they have DJs and other live shows outside on a little sandy beach. It’s a super relaxing way to spend an evening.

First thing you do before a conference/course starts and first thing you do after a conference/course finishes:

Make sure the camera is charged before the meeting and make sure to save all the pictures afterwards!

If you weren’t a marketing statistics guru what would you be?

Something in science education — perhaps a teacher or even working in a science museum.

What is the strangest/funniest thing that has ever happened at a course/conference?  

We had ordered new lanyards for the name badges so that they would not flip around as easily. The first time we used them was for a big conference with hundreds of people in the auditorium. During the first session someone tweeted that it sounded like Christmas time with all the jingling going on in the auditorium!

If you were a superhero what power would you like to have?

Some sort of healing power, or the ability to change body size depending on the situation — sometimes you just need to be a little taller (or shorter!)

Her faves:

Favourite recipe – Shakshuka (free style cooking)

Book – Harry Potter series (Prisoner from Azkaban if I had to choose)

TV show – The Office (US version)

Film – Die Hard
