

genome biology

11 March 2024 Casting new light on gene regulation in development

Casting new light on gene regulation in development

Science & Technology New research from EMBL Heidelberg shows how cells in developing embryos undergo a major shift in the way they regulate gene expression as they mature and differentiate.



22 November 2023 Oliver Stegle passionately drawing work-related content with a green pen on a whiteboard. On the whiteboard, there are coordinates and equations, such as “n=2”.

How AI shapes the life sciences: an interview with Oliver Stegle

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives EMBL scientist Oliver Stegle explains how AI-based tools have the potential to transform our ability to better understand the complexity of life and how these tools will shape the future of life science exploration.



25 July 2023 Ensembl logo in white circle on blue and green background

Ensembl Bacteria releases new annotation for all its genomes

Ensembl 110 and Ensembl Genomes 57 have introduced in-house prokaryotic gene annotation across genomes available in Ensembl Bacteria.  Since its inception, Ensembl Bacteria has imported user-submitted annotations from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) for…



22 March 2023 Artistic representation that features a long, winding helix joining together a doughnut-figure to a small shaggy ball to indicate the connections long-read sequencing can make about DNA mutations.

The ‘long read’ for cancer

Using Oxford Nanopore long-read sequencing, EMBL scientists sequenced a primary childhood brain tumour known as a medulloblastoma, uncovering a novel complex mutation pattern.



17 November 2022 A graphic showing the logos of EMBL and the University of Malta

EMBL builds on links with Malta

EMBL deepens scientific collaboration, opening the door for greater engagement and opportunities for Malta’s life science community



4 August 2022 An illustration provides representation of fingers hovering over a cell phone

Zooming in to get the full picture

Science & Technology EMBL and UW researchers plus additional collaborators have constructed a complete map of fruit fly embryonic development using machine learning. This research is foundational to better understanding overall embryo development in other species, including humans.



25 February 2022 Three colourful overlapping circles arranged in a row, a fruit-fly embryo being visible within each. Small circles within the embryos represent cell lineages.

Converging lenses on embryo development

Science & Technology Researchers from the Furlong group at EMBL have come up with a way to observe the development of fruit-fly embryos simultaneously at the genetic and cellular levels, generating a high-resolution and integrated view of how different cell lineages form.



21 January 2022 The cross-section of a cell expressing a green fluorescently tagged protein and illuminated by a blue laser is visible in the foreground, surrounded by a vortex of cells

Cell sorting enters a new dimension

Science & Technology EMBL researchers, in collaboration with BD Biosciences, have demonstrated a new technology that allows rapid image-based sorting of cells. The new technology represents a major upgrade to flow cytometry and has applications in diverse life science fields.



9 December 2021 Portrait photo of Eileen Furlong against blue-green background.

Eileen Furlong honoured with Leibniz Prize

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters EMBL Senior Scientist and Head of the Genome Biology Unit is among the researchers honoured for outstanding work by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG).



25 November 2021 Female scientist in front of a background of green plants

Welcome: Maria Zimmermann-Kogadeeva

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives Maria Zimmermann-Kogadeeva is one of EMBL’s newest group leaders and a computational biologist whose research group applies computational modelling to better understand the metabolism of gut bacteria and their potential to have far-reaching impacts on other organs.



13 October 2021 Illustration of a community of bacteria. Pills represent an antibiotic that can be used to treat an infection, and a second drug that could protect many gut bacteria from antibiotics.

Tackling the collateral damage from antibiotics

Science & Technology Researchers from EMBL’s Typas group and collaborators have analysed the effects of 144 antibiotics on the wellbeing of gut microbes. The study improves our understanding of antibiotics’ side effects and suggests a new approach to mitigating the adverse effects of antibiotics therapy on gut…



5 July 2021

Welcome: Sarah Dyer

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives EMBL welcomes Sarah Dyer, the new Non-Vertebrate Genomics Team Leader at EMBL-EBI.



26 February 2021 Woman with long brown hair stands in front of snow scene with arms crossed in front of her.

Welcome: Sinem Saka

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives As one of EMBL’s newest group leaders, Sinem Saka will combine multiple technologies, such as microscopy and single-cell omics, to solve biological puzzles.



16 February 2021 Microscopy images of coronavirus-infected cells in blue and red, arranged on a clockface. Illustrations of virus particles.

Finding coronavirus’s helper proteins

Science & Technology A team of EMBL scientists and colleagues have analysed how the novel coronavirus affects proteins in human cells. They identified several human proteins as potential drug targets to prevent viral replication.



9 December 2020 Illustration of a rod-shaped bacterial cell, superimposed on a red and blue background.

Heating proteins to understand how genes work

Science & Technology A new paper from EMBL’s Savitski team and Typas group describes their work on E. coli and how it brings a greater understanding of the way genes function and interact.



19 August 2020 An embryo of the fruit fly Drosophila.

Predicting how gene expression varies

Science & Technology Discoveries at EMBL will help researchers to interpret one of the most common types of experiments in genomics and medical studies.



1 June 2020 An illustration of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq)

Enabling functional genomics studies in individual cells

Science & Technology Scientists at EMBL Heidelberg have developed a new method, called Targeted Perturb-seq (TAP-seq), which increases the scale and precision of functional genomics CRISPR–Cas9 screens by orders of magnitude. Their method overcomes limitations in previous applications of single-cell RNA sequencing,…



23 April 2020 Key visual for the EMBO | EMBL symposium ‘The Four-Dimensional Genome’

EMBL hosts its first virtual conference

Lab Matters The virtual EMBO | EMBL symposium ‘The Four-Dimensional Genome’ brought together 470 participants. Here, Jürgen Deka, Head of External Scientific Training, discusses how he and his team overcame the organisational challenges.



5 March 2020

New insights into gene regulation

Science & Technology EMBL researchers investigate the role of a histone protein in regulating gene expression



11 March 2019 A visualisation of a membraneless organelle in the green-yellow style of the data presented in the Nature Communications paper

ATP affects proteome-wide solubility

Science & Technology Scientists develop technology to measure how ATP concentration affects protein solubility in cells



23 May 2018 As a cell prepares to divide, the chromosomes (shown here in pink) condense, becoming more tightly coiled and easier to observe under the microscope. The faint structure in the centre is a cell nucleus in which the chromosomes are in their usual decondensed state.

Exploring genetic variation

Science & Technology EMBL group leader Jan Korbel reflects on his scientific origins and current research



15 March 2018 How drugs affect the life and death of proteins. IMAGE: Cell

How drugs affect the life and death of proteins

Science & Technology Scientists at EMBL and Cellzome develop technology to monitor the effects of drug treatments on protein degradation and synthesis



15 February 2018 Architecture dependent turnover of the nuclear pore subunits. Top row shows the nuclear pore subunits seen from top, bottom row shows subunits of the nuclear pore cut in half.

Life and death of proteins

Science & Technology EMBL scientists create a turnover catalogue of almost 10.000 proteins from primary cells



9 February 2018 Arnaud Krebs, EMBL’s new group leader studies how gene expression is controlled

Welcome: Arnaud Krebs

People & Perspectives EMBL’s new group leader studies how gene expression is controlled



20 December 2017 The most curious genomes in Ensebl. Credit: Spencer Phillips/EMBL-EBI

Curious genomes

Science & Technology What are the strangest genomes in EMBL-EBI's Ensembl?



25 April 2017

Embryos use ancient viral DNA

Science & Technology EMBL scientists detect important function of genetic sequence our ancestors assimilated from a virus



2 February 2011

The human genome’s breaking points

A detailed analysis of data from 185 human genomes sequenced in the course of the 1000 Genomes Project, by scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, in collaboration with researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge, UK, as well as the…



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