

data science

1 February 2024

We are EMBL: Renato Alves on Bio-IT and stargazing

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives Renato Alves talks about his time at EMBL, the Bio-IT project, his wishes for EMBL in its anniversary year, and how a passion for night hikes and stargazing led to the creation of EMBL’s astronomy club.



29 January 2024 InterPro logo

InterPro 98.0 released

InterPro version 98.0 and InterProScan 5.66-98.0 are now available. InterPro now features hundreds of new methods integrated from partner databases, and InterProScan draws on over 40000 entries. InterPro version 98.0 New features include: InterPro 98.0 covers 81.7% of UniProt Knowledgebase release…



3 July 2023 In the foreground: an intrinsically disordered protein, which has a form of a tangled, unstructured string. In the background: a set of parallel curved lines.

Bringing research on disordered proteins to order

Science & Technology A third of all known proteins are either completely or partially unstructured. EMBL scientists contributed to a new set of guidelines – Minimum Information About a Disorder Experiment (MIADE) – that will help researchers share data on unstructured proteins in a more useful way and will enable…



29 May 2023 group photo of the workshop participants

EMBL and SciLifeLab cooperate on data science

ConnectionsLab Matters The third meeting between EMBL and SciLifeLab communities took place in Uppsala and focused on data science, aiming at further expanding the collaboration



11 April 2023 Phylogenetic tree with beams of light to represent data

MAPLE: a phylogenetic tool for pandemic-scale genome data

Science & Technology EMBL-EBI researchers have developed a new tool capable of performing state-of-the-art phylogenetic inference on larger datasets than previously thought possible.



8 February 2023 Ensembl logo in white circle on blue and green background

Ensembl 109 has been released

Latest Ensembl and Ensembl Genomes releases bring updates to donkey and horse assemblies, and lots of new plants and metazoa.



19 January 2022 "From Molecules to Ecosystems" are words on top of a collage of images that span from molecules to ecosystems

A new era for European molecular biology

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters EMBL announces details about its next programme, ‘Molecules to Ecosystems’. It will guide studying life across scales and in context with changing environments.



22 September 2021 Logos of EMBL and Helmholtz Association on white background, over a green-and-blue pattern in the background.

EMBL and Helmholtz Health join forces

ConnectionsLab Matters EMBL and Helmholtz Association have signed a memorandum of understanding. The expanded collaboration of both institutions will focus on research related to health.



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