
Electron Microscopy Core Facility

The facility provides advanced expertise in electron microscopy, from sample preparation to image analysis, for a wide variety of biological samples.

Courses and Conferences


EMBO Practical Course: In Situ CLEM at room temperature and in cryo https://www.embl.org/about/info/course-and-conference-office/events/lem23-01/

February 12th – 17th, EMBL Heidelberg


EMBL in-house course – What can the EMCF do for you

November 28th, December 6th – 7th EMBL Heidelberg

EMBO Practical Course: Volume electron microscopy by automated serial SEM https://meetings.embo.org/event/21-serial-sem

November 6th – 11th Lausanne, Switzerland

From 3D light to 3D electron microscopy (virtual) https://www.embl.org/about/info/course-and-conference-office/events/zei22-01/

March 13th – 16th EMBL Heidelberg, The Francis Crick Institute and the VIB Ghent


EMBO Practical Course: In Situ CLEM at room temperature and in cryo (virtual) https://www.embl.org/about/info/course-and-conference-office/events/lem21-01/

September 6th – 10th EMBL Heidelberg
