Alexandra Dobsovicova – Szilárd Library

Szilárd Library

Access to scientific literature and resources

The Library was opened on the 20th November 1979 and it is named after the Hungarian-American scientist Leo Szilárd, who in part initiated the idea of EMBL.

Author: Alexandra Dobsovicova

Alexandra Dobsovicova

New in the collection (04/23)

On April's new book display, you can choose from various scientific and popular-scientific topics such as chess, data, developmental biology, medical genetics and genomics, or hybrid working.

Alexandra Dobsovicova

New in the collection (May 2022)

In May, we would like to introduce new books that focus on topics like Tech Mining, developmental biology of invertebrates, cellular ageing or mitochondrial research. We also recommend new introductory books on genetics and microbiology.

Alexandra Dobsovicova

New in the collection (March 2022)

New March arrivals bring scientific topics about cell biology, histology, genetics and development, answer questions about climate change, our immune system, ethical decisions on the environment, vaccination, or offer an understanding of surface science.
