
EMBL | Stanford Life Science Alliance

Creating synergies between EMBL and Stanford’s research communities

Deciphering Mechanisms and Rates of Chromosomal Instability in Gastric Cancer

Gastric cancer (GC) is a leading cause of cancer-related death, often detected at advanced stages due to limited screening and slow progression. This project, in collaboration with Stanford and EMBL, aims to understand chromosome instability in GC using a unique longitudinal model.  Our approach involves applying innovative single-cell methods, specifically Strand-seq, to a longitudinal GC organoid model that mimics GC development, enabling the analysis of somatic DNA rearrangement processes and their relationship with initial genetic alterations. Ultimately, we seek to uncover the prevalence of and the mechanisms behind chromosomal instability processes, which are a key driver of cancer progression and metastasis.

This project is supported by an Exchange Grant, awarded to Aziz Khan and Álvaro Andrades.

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