
EMBL | Stanford Life Science Alliance

Creating synergies between EMBL and Stanford’s research communities

The Life Science Alliance is a non-profit inter-institutional alliance between EMBL and Stanford University, uniting world-leading researchers from both institutions to accelerate biomedical research.

Some of the most pressing challenges in biomedical research today are global: understanding complex diseases, harnessing the potential of new technologies and driving the development of  personalized approaches to medicine. Effective solutions can only be found by working together, across disciplines, and across borders.

In this spirit, EMBL, Europe’s leading research institute in molecular biology, and Stanford University, an internationally renowned center in research and education, have established the Life Science Alliance. By bringing together the best researchers from clinicians to engineers, chemists and biologists, we can gain a global understanding of the problems and create breakthroughs in biomedical research. In bridging these two institutions, we are leveraging our complementary strengths and creating an interdisciplinary research network for the benefit of the life science communities worldwide.


The Life Science Alliance is supported by generous private donations. Without their support, many of our transformative, high-risk projects could not be pursued, and our efforts to bring together the wider scientific community would not be possible. 

Our donors understand that advances in biomedical research will help our communities. Together, we can contribute to improving health and well-being. 

If you would like to help us, please get in touch.

Our supporters:

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Network Meeting

March 24 – 26 Bildungscampus Heilbronn Participation by invitation only.   Details coming soon.
