

Career Accelerator for Research Infrastructure Scientists

Vlaams Institute of Biotechnology, VIB


VIB is an independent research institute where some 1,700 top scientists from Belgium and abroad conduct pioneering basic research. As such, they are pushing the boundaries of what we know about molecular mechanisms and how they rule living organisms such as human beings, animals, plants and microorganisms. VIB’s technology transfer activities translate research results into concrete benefits for society such as new diagnostics and therapies and agricultural innovations. These applications are often developed by young start-ups from VIB or through collaborations with other companies. This also leads to additional employment and bridges the gap between scientific research and entrepreneurship.

As a partner in this project, VIB intends to cooperate with the EMBL towards training of the Fellows. VIB can host up to three-four Fellows per year in the period 2020-2024 through secondments and introduce them to the ways of working, instrumentation and procedures at VIB Duration of secondments will be between 2 and 6 months and will be arranged in communication with the Fellow. Fellows who will do secondments at VIB will come from the field related or complementary to the field of work of VIB.

At VIB Fellows will have a possibility to learn a variety of omics-related technologies, functional imaging techniques and get familiar with our world-famous Nanobody generating platform. The Fellows will also have a chance to get acquainted with the operations of our respective core facilities, Technology Innovation Lab and get the ability to get trained on new, trend-setting technologies, be involved in tech / application development and acquire / share expertise via train-the-trainer sessions.

VIB will dedicate supervision capacity for each fellow on secondments. During secondments, Fellows can stay employed by EMBL.

VIB intends also to host mini-secondments in a duration of up to two weeks, during which Fellows will shadow operations VIB.
