

Career Accelerator for Research Infrastructure Scientists

Charles University, Faculty of Science (CU)


Charles University (CU) was founded in 1348 and belongs among the oldest universities in the world. Nowadays, CU comprises 17 faculties where it combines high quality science, research and education representing thus a leading educational and science institution in the Czech Republic.

CU regularly receives the highest international university ranking among other Czech universities. Faculty of Science (FoS) was founded in 1920 and today is one of the most significant faculties of the University. FoS is composed of four sections (Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Geology) and several faculty-wide institutions. The Biology Section and its core facilities will be the main partners for the project’s secondment acti vities. Currently FoS harbors > 1300 employees and almost 5 thousand students including 1500 Ph.D . students, who jointly make FoS a strong and creative research institution.

As a partner in this project, Charles University, Faculty of Science intends to cooperate with the EMBL towards training of the Fellows. Charles University, Faculty of Science can host up to two Fellows per year in the period 2020-2024 through secondments and introduce them to the ways of working, instrumentation and procedures at Charles University, Faculty of Science. Duration of secondments will be between 4 and 6 months and will be arranged in communication with the Fellow. Fellows who will do secondments at Charles University, Faculty of Science will come from the field related or complementary to the field of work of Charles University, Faculty of Science. At Charles University, Faculty of Science, Fellows will have a possibility to learn a wide spectrum of methods employed in any of the 11 departments of the Biological Section and its dedicated core facilities (CF), including sequencing CF, electron microscopy CF, confocal and fluorescence microscopy CF, mass spectrometry CF, cytometry CF and proteomics CF. Some other core facilities are shared with Biocev joint institute which is also a home of several FoS research groups (htt ps:/ / www.biocev.eu).The Fellows will have a chance to get acquainted with the operation of any of the FoS core facilities including joint facilities in Biocev as they are mentioned hereinabove. Charles University, Faculty of Science will dedicate supervision capacity for each fellow on secondments. During secondments, Fellows can stay employed by EMBL.

Charles University, Faculty of Science intends also to host mini-secondments in a duratio n of up to two weeks, during which Fellows will shadow operations at Charles University, Faculty of Science.
