
From microscopy to mycology, from development to disease modelling, EMBL researchers cover a wide range of topics in the biological sciences.

AI and machine learning

Shaping the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in the life sciences


Understanding how cells work and how they are organised


Developing new drugs and tools to understand the chemistry of life


EMBL’s contribution to fighting the coronavirus pandemic


How single cells give rise to complex organisms

Disease models

Understanding the causes of disease to find new treatments


How cells interpret the DNA code to carry out biological functions


Cutting edge technology, zooming into life at the tiniest scales

Tara Ocean Foundation

How complex organisms evolved from primordial bacteria and the fate of the myriad organisms present today

Tissue biology

Understanding how assemblies of cells develop, work, and heal

Research units

Bioinformatics research

Researchers at EMBL-EBI make sense of vast, complex biological datasets produced using new and emerging technologies in molecular biology.

Cell biology and biophysics

Scientists in this unit use multidisciplinary approaches to investigate the molecular and biophysical mechanisms that enable cells to function.

Developmental biology

Scientists in the Developmental biology unit seek to understand the fundamental principles that govern multicellular development.

Directors' research

This unit covers thematically distinct research groups, headed by EMBL and EMBO leadership.

Genome biology

The Genome biology unit uses and develops cutting-edge methods to study how the information in our genome is regulated, processed, and utilised, and how its alteration leads to disease.

Molecular systems biology

The Molecular Systems Biology Unit investigates molecular structure, organization and function at a systematic level in and across cells.

Structural biology

At its sites in Hamburg and Grenoble, EMBL provides its researchers and hundreds of external users each year with access to world-leading sources of X-ray and neutron radiation, enabling them to study the structures of biological molecules.

Tissue biology and disease modelling

Scientists at EMBL Barcelona use advanced technologies to observe, manipulate, and model how changes in genes percolate through cells, tissues, and organs, in health and disease.


News from EMBL’s six sites