
Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit

The MMPU is a joint venture between the Medical Faculties of the University of Heidelberg and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL).

Awards and Honours



  • Julio Saez Rodriguez receives prestigious ERC Synergy Grant for the CartoHostBug project.
  • Matthias Hentze receives the ICCC Pioneer Award, International Council for Caring Communities, New York, USA
  • Wolfgang Huber elected to membership of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
  • Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze receives the Bioconductor Community Award 2023 for outstanding contributions to the project.
  • Christina Mertens receives the IAKH promotion prize for improving clinical hemotherapy.
  • The MMPU receives a seminar grant from the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim to support the Public MMPU Research Days 2023.


  • Eileen Furlong receives the prestigious Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize.
  • Wolfgang Huber becomes new co-director of the Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit, taking over this role from Jan Korbel.


  • Wolfgang Huber becomes one of the world’s Highly Cited Researchers
  • Jan Korbel is appointed Honorary Professor by the Heidelberg University.
  • Oriana Marques receives an European Hematology Association (EHA) Junior Research Grant
  • Wolfgang Huber is elected as an ISCB Fellow by the International Society for Computational Biology for his outstanding contributions to the fields of computational biology and bioinformatics.
  • Oriana Marques receives the Olympia Morata Fellowship of the Heidelberg University.


  • Robert Prevedel receives ERC Consolidator grant: Development of advanced optical tools for studying cellular mechanics at high spatial and temporal resolution.
  • Anthony D. Ho continues to be member of the Central Ethics Commission for Embryonic Stem Cell Research (ZES Berlin). He was founding member in 2002.
  • Martina Muckenthaler becomes member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
  • Matthias Hentze receives PRO-SCIENTIA Award 2019, Eckhart-Buddecke-Foundation, Münster, Germany
  • Oriana Marques receives the Young European Hematology Association Best Abstract Award for Postdoctoral Research
  • Natalie Horvat receives a best poster prize for the lung section at the DZL Annual Meeting in Travemünde, Germany
  • Matthias Hentze has been awarded the RNA Society Lifetime Achievement Award



  • Jan Korbel becomes third co-director of the Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit
  • Laleh Haghverdi receives a prize from the Peter und Traudl Engelhorn Stiftung for her outstanding contributions to development of computational tools for understanding and analysis of single-cell transcriptomics data.
  • Anthony Ho’s oral presentation at the 60th ASH Annual Meeting in San Diego CA, USA, was chosen as one of 12 Best of ASH presentations, out of 3000 presented abstracts, and out of a total of ten thousand submitted abstracts.
  • Matthias Hentze receives the Ilse & Helmut Wachter Award for his exceptional scientific achievements in the field of molecular medicine. Watch video Tirol TV.
  • Jan Siemens received ERC Consolidator Grant
  • Jan Korbel is elected Head of the Genomics section within the F1000 network
  • Laleh Haghverdi receives the Peter and Traudl Engelhorn Research Prize
  • Sascha Dietrich receives the Vincenz-Czerny prize of the DGHO for his work on Drug-perturbation-based stratification of blood cancer.
  • Peer Bork is Elected Member of the Academia Europaea
  • Sandro Altamura habilitates as associate professor in general pathology and clinical pathology
  • Peer Bork receives the Heinz P.R. Seelinger prize for work on the human gut microbiome
  • Matthias Zielonka is accepted into the Rare Disease Scholars Program 2018/2019 from the Children’s National Health System, USA
  • Rohini Kuner is awarded the Phoenix Wissenschaftspreis
  • Peer Bork receives a Honorary Professorship of Fudan University, Shanghai, China
  • Linette Tan is awarded the Förderpreis für Schmerzforschung by the Deutsche Schmerzgesellschaft
  • Jan Korbel is recipient of the Pezcoller Foundation – EACR Cancer Researcher Award 2018
  • Matthias Hentze is elected International Honorary Member to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • Hans-Georg Kräusslich receives the gold medal of Charles University Prague
  • Matthias Zielonka receives the Urea Cycle Disorders Consortium (UCDC) Training Research Award 2018/2019 from the Baylor College of Medicine, USA
  • Jan Korbel receives an ERC consolidator grant: MOSAIC aims to unravel the relationship between somatic structural variation mosaicism and aging and disease phenotypes
  • Jan Korbel receives the Pezcoller Foundation – EACR Cancer Researcher Award for academic excellence and achievements in the field of cancer research
  • John Briggs receives the Blavatnik Awards UK Finalist for his advances in high-resolution visualization of viral particles
  • Prize Rohini Kuner is a Feldberg Foundation Prizewinner for anglo – german scientific exchange


  • Australian National University conferred the degree of Doctor of Science honoris causa to Matthias Hentze for his exceptional contributions to science.
  • Jan Siemens receives an ERC Consolidator Grant for his outstanding research on Temperature Detection and Thermoregulation
  • Kiran Kumar Bali was awarded the Max-von-Frey-Preis by Deutsche Schmerzgesellschaft and Astellas Pharma
  • Rohini Kuner receives the HMLS Investigator Award 2017 for her ongoing efforts to consolidate innovative interdisciplinary research and for her active support and encouragement of young researchers.
  • Jan Siemens receives the Sir Hans Krebs Prize 2017 from the Society of Friends of the MHH
  • Hans-Georg Kräusslich is elected fellow of the American Association of Microbiology
  • Hans-Georg Kräusslich receives the Gregor Johann Mendel medal of the Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Jan Siemens receives PHOENIX Pharmacy and Science Prize 2017 for his work on the hypothalamic regulation of body temperature
  • Rohini Kuner receives the Novartis Award for Therapy-Related Research
  • Peer Bork receives an Honorary Doctorate from the Utrecht Bioinformatics Center
  • Francesca Vinchi receives best scoring abstract award as a Postdoctoral fellow at the European Hematology Association meeting
  • The Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of Vietnam has granted Anthony D. Ho a medal of honor „For People’s Health“ at the International Conference on Stem Cell Research in Haiphong, Vietnam
  • Francesca Vinchi receives young investigator fellowship at the European Atherosclerosis Society Meeting
  • Martina Muckenthaler becomes President Elect of the International BioIron Society IBIS



  • John Briggs receives the Royal Microscopical Society Medal Life Sciences
  • John Briggs receives the Ernst Ruska Prize of the German Society for Electron microscopy
  • Francesca Vinchi won the Gunshin Levy award recognizing research, commitment and dedication as young scientist at the 6th International Bioiron Meeting, Hangzhou, China
  • Ana Rita Da Silva won best poster award at the 6th meeting of the International Bioiron Society, Hangzhou, China
  • Joana Neves won best poster award at the 6th meeting of the International Bioiron Society, Hangzhou, China
  • Milene Costa da Silva won best talk award at the 6th meeting of the International Bioiron Society, Hangzhou, China
  • Francesca Vinchi won best talk award at the 6th meeting of the International Bioiron Society IBIS, Hangzhou, China
  • John Briggs has been elected member of EMBO
  • Jan Korbel becomes member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
  • Fei Ye is awarded a BMSS (British Mass Spectrometry Society) travel grant to attend the 9th European Summer school Advanced Proteomics in South Tyrol, Italy
  • Jan Korbel recieves Manfred-Fuchs-Prize from the Heidelberg Academy for Sciences and Humanities for bioethical achievements on self-regulation in science
  • Susanne Dittrich receives the ECFS Young Investor Award.
  • Magnus von Knebel Doeberitz und Matthias Kloor receive the Felix Burda Award for innovative and outstanding research in the field of colon cancer prevention.
  • Matthias Hentze delivers Weizmann Institute Life Science Colloquium, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
  • Matthias Hentze delivers distinguished Speaker Seminar, Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany
  • Peer Bork receives an ERC Advanced Investigator grant on strain resolution: microbiomics
  • Matthias Hentze delivers the Kidson Lecture, QIMR Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia
  • Matthias Hentze delivers the MIT Biology Colloquium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
  • Martina Muckenthaler receives Jack Reeves Prize for most outstanding scientific talk at the XIX Hypoxia Symposium in Lake Louise, Canada.
  • Jan Korbel receives The Chica and Heinz Schaller Research Award 2014, which honors outstanding, innovative work in the field of molecular biomedical research.
  • Matthias Hentze receives the Feodor-Lynen-Medal, German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM)


  • HRCMM Awardee Stephan Singer receives Hella-Bühler-Award for his outstanding work in cancer research.
  • Matthias Hentze delivers Lennart Philipson Memorial Lecture, University of Uppsala, Sweden
  • Peer Bork becomes member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
  • Anthony D. Ho is appointed member (for the third term of 4 years each) of the Zentrale Ethik-Kommission für Stammzellforschung of the Federal Ministry of Research and Education and the Federal Ministry of Health of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Peer Bork receives Honorary Professorship (University of Wuerzburg)
  • Rohini Kuner was elected to the Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
  • Peer Bork receives Dr. Tissier’s medal of the Bifidus foundation (Japan)
  • Marcus Mall has been elected to the Board of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society, ECFS
  • Matthias Hentze delivers the Cesar Milstein Lecture, Instituto Leloir, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Anne-Claude Gavin has been elected member of the EMBO


  • Edward Lemke and Carsten Schultz win jointly the 2013 MRN (Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region Foundation) Innovation award for their biotech based method “Pro Tag”.
  • Manuela Simonetti was awarded the “1. Förderpreis für Schmerzforschung” (2013) of the Deutsche Schmerzgesellschaft.
  • Tanmay Bharat has been awarded the Bayer Healthcare Promotionspreis for best doctoral research in the fields of biochemistry or molecular biology
  • CDF awardee Lorenz Lehmann receives Rudi Busse – Young Investigator Award for his work in experimental cardiovascular research.
  • Matthias Hentze becomes member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, Germany
  • A new five-year, EU-funded FP7 project, SyStemAge, coordinated by Anne-Claude Gavin brings together an international network of experts to study ageing in adult stem cells at the systems level.
  • Matthias Hentze becomes member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Cold Spring Harbor Conferences Asia, Suzhou, China


  • The Chica und Heinz Schaller Förderpreis 2012, which honors excellent, innovative work in the field of molecular biomedical research was awarded to John Briggs.
  • Carsten Schultz received the 2012 Heidelberg Molecular Life Science Award (HMLS award) shared with Prof. Michael Brunner for his contributions to the field of Chemical Biology and its implementation in Heidelberg.
  • Matthias Hentze becomes chair of the Scientific Advisory Board, VIB, Ghent, Belgium
  • Martina Muckenthaler has been appointed committee member of the European Hematology Association (EHA).
  • Anthony D. Ho has been appointed member to the Scientific Advisory Board of the Paul-Ehrling Institute Langen
  • Martina Muckenthaler has been appointed member to the ASH (American Society of Hematology) Scientific Committee on Iron and Heme.
  • Marcus Mall was elected as member of the board of directors of the German Centre for Lung Research (DZL)
  • Heiko Runz has received the Leducq Transatlantic Career Development Award for Transatlantic Research in Cardiovascular Disease.
  • Rohini Kuner has become an ERC Advanced Grantee with “Pain Plasticity”. She researches the molecular and cellular basis of structural plasticity and reorganisation in chronic pain.
  • Matthias Hentze has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant “REM Networks” for exploring the interface between cell metabolism and gene regulation: from mRNA interactomes to REM Networks.


  • Andreas Kulozik becomes member of the German Academy of Sciences “Leopoldina”.
  • Sven Danckwardt receives Hella-Bühler-Award for his outstanding work in cancer research.
  • Matthias Hentze was appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of the Centenary Institute, Sydney, Australia
  • Anne-Claude Gavin was appointed to the Allen Institute for Brain Science Cell Networks Advisory Council, Seattle, US


  • Peer Bork has been awarded an ERC Advanced Investigators Grant ‘Cancerbiome’ for pioneering research into microbial communities associated with cancer.
  • Heiko Runz and Rainer Pepperkok become members in the Fondation Leducq Transatlantic Network of Excellence, Molecular mechanisms of novel genes associated with plasma lipids and cardiovascular disease
  • Matthias Hentze becomes Honorary Faculty Member, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Sydney, Australia
  • Marcus Mall has been nominated as Vice-President of the 34th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, held in Hamburg, 8-11 June 2011
  • Matthias Hentze has been named Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board”, BioCity Turku, Turku Finland
  • Matthias Hentze delivers “The EMBO Lecture” at the 31st Lorne Genome Conference, February 2010, Lorne Australia


  • Peer Bork wins Microsoft Award by the Royal Society, Académie des sciences
  • Matthias Hentze has been elected as Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board, Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany
  • Martina Muckenthaler has been elected Director of the International Bioiron Society (IBIS)
  • Marcus Mall receives the Heisenberg-Professorship for Translational Pediatric Pulmonology (DFG)
  • Marcus Mall receives the Research Award, German Society of Pulmonology


  • Peer Bork receives Nature Award for creative mentoring by the German Research Minister