

Next generation imaging for biology across scales

IMAGINE will provide technologies to probe structure and function of biological specimens in their natural context



IMAGINE project further increases the technological level of the participating industries and feed the next generation of research instruments they will bring on the market for the scientific community at large. 

Integrating Research Infrastructures into local, regional and global innovation systems: IMAGINE also focuses on its innovation on coordinating and creating a new open innovation ecosystem that is centred around the uniquely powerful interdisciplinary and intersectoral multi-stakeholder environment that are grouped around the RIs (WP12). The RIs play a key role in this integration, serving on the one hand as a key market testing platform for industry to test their new commercial instruments and services and on the other hand establishing the links to the leading academic technology developers that push the underlying physical and computational principles ahead.

Work Package 12

Commercialisation of innovative technology solutions

This WP will develop pipelines and procedures to bring new scientific instrumentation developed in WP1 to WP5 more rapidly to market taking advantage of their fast validation in broad user communities by the service providers. It will set up the key processes needed to enable effective technology transfer from academia to industry, thus reducing the gap between early-stage technology invention and product development and maximising the socio-economic impact of the IMAGINE project. 

The work package is led by EMBL Enterprise Management Technology Transfer GmbH (EMBLEM) as the commercial arm and technology transfer office of EMBL. Additional partners include Leica Microsystem, Euro-BioImaging, EMBL France, EMBL Heidelberg, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Instruct ERIC, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), and Arinax.

Contact us

This project is funded by the European Union (GA#101094250). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 
