
EMBL Archive

The EMBL Archive is the custodian of the Laboratory’s heritage.

Deposits and Donations

The EMBL Archive gathers all kinds of materials that are evidence of EMBL’s story. Please do not hesitate to contribute any photographs, lab books and notebooks, correspondence and emails, drafts of papers and publications, unpublished notes and annotated printouts, instruments and blueprints, annotated books and personal libraries, interviews and newspaper cuttings, films and recordings, material from clubs and associations… This list is not exhaustive: if you have other items that you would like to share, whether analogue or digital, please consider donating them!

The EMBL Archive is also grateful for any time that you could spend (in person or on the phone) to talk about material donated, help identify people in photographs and more generally help piece together EMBL’s scientific and institutional history. Please contact the EMBL Archivist directly to arrange a meeting.

Supporting the EMBL Archive

Through donating funds, you can support the EMBL Archive and help make it the best resource possible. We would be grateful if you would like to support the EMBL Archive financially. You can donate directly via the EMBL website by selecting “EMBL Archive” in the dropdown menu on the EMBL donation form. Alternatively, please contact the EMBL Archivist.

The 40th Anniversary Campaign

For EMBL’s 40th anniversary in 2014, EMBL Alumni Relations and the Office of Resource Development ran a fundraising campaign for the EMBL Archive that raised some 45,000 €.

The spending of these funds was approved by the Director General in 2019 to support two projects:

  • the EMBL Stories project, which led to the creation of a slide deck highlighting achievements of the EMBL community throughout the years;
  • training bursaries for new professionals in the field of scientific archives.

EMBL is sincerely grateful to all who donated to this campaign and will thereby enable the ongoing development of the EMBL Archive as a leader in scientific archives while supporting the archival community at large.
