
Alumni Relations

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World Alumni Day 2023

Watch 2023 Alumni Awards Ceremony

Watch World Alumni Hour: TREC Panel Discussion

World Alumni Day takes place annually on EMBL Lab Day in Heidelberg. On Friday 7 July 2023, This hybrid event brought together EMBL and its alumni community worldwide, whilst providing a platform to celebrate this year’s EMBL Alumni Award winners and the impact already being made by EMBL’s TREC expedition as it traverses Europe’s coastline.

10:00-15:00 CEST: EMBL Alumni Association board meeting (closed meeting)

Board members meet to discuss priorities for the coming year.

16:00-17:15 CEST: EMBL Alumni Awards Ceremony (online and in-person in ATC Klaus Tschira Auditorium)

Veli Vural Uslu: John Kendrew Young Scientist Award recipient. Award presented by Helke Hillebrand and Rüdiger Hell.
Desmond Higgins: Lennart Philipson Award recipient. Award presented by Dame Janet Thornton.

Watch Alumni Awards Ceremony

18:30 CEST onwards: Drinks, dinner and music (in person)

Celebrating the community with in-person dinner, drinks and music.
