10:00-15:00: The EMBL Alumni Association board meeting
Board members meet to discuss priorities for the coming year (closed event).
Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators
Board members meet to discuss priorities for the coming year (closed event).
Celebrate two exceptional individuals and learn about their outstanding work
Ilaria Piazza: John Kendrew Young Scientist Award recipient. Award will be presented by Kiran Patil.
Ken Holmes: Lennart Philipson Award recipient. Award and lecture will be presented by Gerd Rosenbaum.
Join us for our annual spotlight on EMBL, its alumni and the world.Guests who will join Angus Lamond during the hour include:
Toast to the community. Relax, catch up and enjoy a facilitated chat.
Alumni Moderators: Giulio Superti-Furga and Nadia Rosenthal.