8 September 2021
Science & Technology
A new collaborative study led by EMBL group leaders Kiran Patil, Nassos Typas, and Peer Bork has found that common medications accumulate in human gut bacteria. This process reduces drug effectiveness and affects the metabolism of common gut microbes, thereby altering the gut microbiome.
2 April 2020
ConnectionsLab Matters
Three international teams involving EMBL Heidelberg have been granted funding from the European Commission for three Twinning projects with institutes in Portugal and the Czech Republic.
19 March 2018
Science & Technology
One in four drugs with human targets inhibit the growth of bacteria in the human gut, and may promote antibiotic resistance, EMBL researchers report in Nature
19 March 2018
Science & Technology
EMBL scientists show how to grow a wide range of gut bacteria in the lab
5 May 2015
Cooperate or compete? Microbes show us that getting along is the better choice for communities.
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