Bringing life science to you

EMBL not only produces excellent science and innovative technologies; it also shares its knowledge and experience with partners from around the world – and with the public.
As well as offering teacher training in the European Learning Laboratory for the Life Sciences, science movie nights, and guided tours around its campuses, EMBL staff participate in many large public events. In 2019, both EMBL Heidelberg and EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) were part of European Researchers’ Night; EMBL Hamburg participated in the Summer of Knowledge; EMBL Barcelona joined the Open Day of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB); EMBL Rome teamed up with the educational association Adamas Scienza on the occasion of the Italian stopover of the boat Tara; and EMBL Grenoble took part in the Fête de la Science.
EMBL researchers and science communicators use these activities to inform the public about EMBL, our work, the importance of research in the life sciences, and to collaborate with other institutions working in research.

If you have a stunning picture of your science, your lab or your site, you can submit it here.