
Science Education

Formerly known as European Learning Laboratory for the Life Sciences

Our inspiring educational experiences share the scientific discoveries of EMBL with young learners aged 10-19 years and teachers in Europe and beyond. We belong to EMBL’s Science Education and Public Engagement office.

Virtual LearningLAB  

ELLS eTwinning course: The power of DNA technology, autumn 2017

Between 25 September and 6 October 2017, ELLS will run it’s first online course for teachers with the European Schoolnet on the eTwinning platform.

The course entitled “The Power of DNA Technology” is aimed at secondary school science teachers and will be held in the English language. As part of the eTwinning Learning Events, ELLS will offer insights into the most recent developments of genetic engineering, and provide participants with exciting ideas on how to bring these topics to a classroom setting. The online course will also explore the implications of new DNA technologies for research, medicine and our society.

The course comprises 15 study hours in total and is made of mostly asynchronous learning activities, plus two online live sessions (held on the Fridays of the course). You will have a 47h period to complete most assignments.

The course will be open to all registered eTwinning teachers. To become a member of eTwinning, register here for free.

Registered eTwinners can find out more about the ELLS course on the eTwinning page. The sign-up period of the course will be 18.09.2017 – 26.09.2017.

If you would like to talk about the course on social media, please use #eTwPowerDNA

Date: 25 September - 6 October 2017

Topic area:  Methods in molecular biology

Format: Virtual

Location: Online

Contact: ELLS Team

