Alexander Aulehla
Head of Developmental Biology Unit
Developmental Biology Unit
EditEnabling external scientists and students to benefit from new collaborations, technologies and state-of-the-art equipment
Theory researchers are invited to submit an application for a Theory@EMBL fellowship
The Theory@EMBL fellowship programme is part of a wider EMBL activity (Theory@EMBL) that aims to promote theory-based approaches across EMBL. This includes strengthening existing data-driven and modelling activities, but – importantly – also taking a leap forward and putting emphasis on conceptual theory.
The programme offers researchers working on theoretical and mathematical modelling aspects of biology the opportunity to apply for financial and organisational support for visits to any of EMBL’s sites. The goal of the programme is to support the initiation or deepening of scientific collaborations, and to connect theory-oriented researchers with cutting-edge molecular biology research, new experiments, data, and experimental research groups.
Several fellowships will be awarded each year for researchers to undertake a visit to one of EMBL’s sites for an expected duration of up to six months (undergraduate students can stay for up to one year). Funding is provided for travel to EMBL (according to defined travel caps based on the country of the researcher’s home institute) and includes costs for required visas and for accommodation (if available, in an EMBL guesthouse; otherwise, support for finding housing and financial support towards rental costs is provided). Reimbursement of actual costs incurred will be made after the start of the visit. Undergraduate students will receive a monthly subsistence (not applicable to researchers at a higher career level).
Applications must be developed based on mutual agreement with at least one EMBL group or team leader acting as a local host.
More information about Theory@EMBL
Researchers (PIs, Postdoctoral fellows, staff scientists, Predoctoral fellows, undergraduate Bachelor and Master students) are encouraged to apply for a Theory@EMBL fellowship. There are no restrictions on age, gender, scientific background or country of origin except for affiliations with UN/EU-sanctioned institutes.
The researcher must remain in employment at their home institution for the duration of the visit (not applicable to undergraduate students).
Applications should present ideas for potential new collaborations or plans to deepen existing contacts (not applicable to undergraduate students). Projects that link to multiple EMBL groups are highly encouraged.
Applications can be submitted for deadlines set every three months (deadlines are 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December).
To submit your application, please download the application form at the top of the page and send the completed document, including your CV, to the Scientific Visitor Programme.
Do you still have questions after reading through the application guidelines?
Administrative support email: Scientific Visitor Programme
Head of Developmental Biology Unit
Developmental Biology Unit
EditGroup Leader and Senior Scientist
EditGroup Leader and Co-chair of Theory at EMBL Transversal Theme
EditAdministrative Assistant (TT)
EditPast awardees
Wei Shen, Group Leader (China)
Chongqing Medical University, Iqbal gp (Hinxton)
Samuele Massimi, Master Student (Italy)
University of Turin, Quail and Erzberger gps (Heidelberg)
Sviatoslav Kharuk, Master Student (Ukraine)
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Huber gp (Heidelberg)
Hernan Garcia, Group Leader (USA)
UC Berkeley, Crocker gp (Heidelberg)
Tommi Mäklin, Postdoc (Finland)
University of Helsinki, Lees gp (Hinxton)
Katie Bentley, Group Leader, and Jakub Grzelak, Research Officer (United Kingdom)
The Francis Crick Institute, Haase gp (Barcelona)
Zev Gartner, Group Leader (USA)
UCSF, Sharpe and Torres-Sanchez gps (Barcelona)
Marcos Nahmad Bensusan, Group Leader (Mexico)
CRAS, Mexico City, Sharpe and Trivedi gps (Barcelona)
Jeremy Gunawardena, Group Leader (USA)
Harvard Medical School, Krebs gp (Heidelberg)
Sidhartha Goyal, Group Leader (Canada)
University of Toronto, Vu and Erzberger gps (Heidelberg)
Maria Leite, Group Leader (USA)
University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Rompani gp (Rome)