

biomedical imaging

11 December 2020 Woman with glasses wearing a parka stands in the snow outside a building at EMBL

EMBL Scientific Visitor Programme opens eyes and doors

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters Facilitated by EMBL’s Scientific Visitor Programme in 2019, Silvia Dias Almeida spent a year in the Diz-Muñoz group, helping solidify her career plans and set her up for a competitive PhD programme in biomedical imaging.



19 August 2020 A human heart sits at the centre of the illustration. The left ventricle is see-through, showing patterns of trabeculae. Around the heart are some notes from Leonardo da Vinci.

New clues to a 500-year old mystery about the human heart

Science & Technology An international team of scientists involving Ewan Birney's group has investigated the function of a complex mesh of muscle fibres that line the inner surface of the heart.



2 December 2010 Euro-BioImaging will provide open access to state-of-the-art biological imaging techniques like fluorescence microscopy, which produced this snapshot of chromosomes (blue) being pulled apart in a dividing egg. Image credits: EMBL/ T. Kitajima

Better imaging from bench to bedside

From microscopy to computer tomography (CT) scans, imaging plays an important role in biological and biomedical research, but obtaining high-quality images often requires advanced technology and expertise, and can be costly. Euro-BioImaging, a project which launches its preparatory phase today,…



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