Issue #51 of Science in School now available

2020 was a year of change at Science in School. The journal switched to an online-only model after Issue 49, and a new editorial team took over at the end of the year. The online-only model gives more flexibility by providing teaching materials with enhanced features, including hyperlinks to related resources, attachments with printable worksheets or other classroom materials, or content with supporting videos.
The latest issue highlights the eight members of EIROforum, which publishes and funds Science in School, and of which EMBL is a member. The EIROforum members cover a broad range of cutting-edge research and offer their own education and outreach programmes and materials.
Over the course of 2021, the new Science in School editorial team plans to update and redevelop the journal to reflect the new online-only model, including a redesign of the website and the introduction of new features.