European Science Policy

As the sole intergovernmental research-performing European infrastructure for the life sciences, EMBL frequently engages in European science policy issues with concrete advice on how to strengthen life science research in Europe and beyond, manage large-scale research infrastructures, encourage mobility of researchers and other topics.

Position papers

EMBL position papers anticipate or respond to ongoing issues of concern across a broad area of policy matters or research topics. EMBL position papers are prepared in close consultation with our researchers and science managers. They generally provide concrete recommendations for action to specific stakeholders at the European level.

Responses to public consultations

EMBL frequently responds to public consultations launched by the European Commission (EC). Public consultations allow citizens as well as organisations such as EMBL to express their views before EU institutions proceed to further drafting of policies.

As EMBL is engaged in relations with numerous institutions in its member states and beyond, maintaining and fostering close relations and dialogue with the scientific communities and government representatives are of key importance to our organisation. These international relations are established and nurtured at a political, institutional and scientific level in Europe and worldwide.