EMBL Seminars

At EMBL, experts from institutes throughout the world speak on a wide range of scientific and technical topics

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24 September 2024, 11:00

Chao’s talk title: Synaptic Machinery for Molecular Homeostasis Taro’s talk title: Recording Cellular Memory to Unveil the Mechanism of Brain Memory

24 September 20242024External Faculty SpeakerEMBL Heidelberg

AbstractChao s talk title Synaptic Machinery for Molecular Homeostasis His lab focuses on understanding the protein machinery that regulates the molecular homeostasis of brain synapses employing cutting edge subcellular methods such as subcellular proteomics and DNA PAINT based single molecule localization His research is driven by the hypothesis that molecular supply puts constraints on... AbstractChao’s talk title: Synaptic Machinery for Molecular Homeostasis His lab focuses on understanding the protein machinery that regulates the molecular homeostasis of brain synapses, employing cutting-edge subcellular methods such as subcellular proteomics and DNA PAINT-based single-molecule localization. His research is driven by the hypothesis that molecular supply puts constraints on synaptic function, and the logistic vulnerabilities of brain synapses seed the onset of neurological diseases. Taro’s talk title: Recording Cellular Memory to Unveil the Mechanism of Brain MemoryDuring his postdoc at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI, Basel), he discovered a novel epigenetic signature regulating the inducibility of stimulus-response genes.His lab is investigating neuroplasticity in the context of memory formation and neuronal maturation by...

Speaker(s): Chao Sun & Taro Kitazawa , Group Leaders, DANDRITE Nordic-EMBL Associate Professors, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark, Denmark
Host: Kyung Min Noh

Place: Small Operon

External Faculty Speaker

EMBL Heidelberg

Additional information

Chao’s talk title: Synaptic Machinery for Molecular Homeostasis 

His lab focuses on understanding the protein machinery that regulates the molecular homeostasis of brain synapses, employing cutting-edge subcellular methods such as subcellular proteomics and DNA PAINT-based single-molecule localization. His research is driven by the hypothesis that molecular supply puts constraints on synaptic function, and the logistic vulnerabilities of brain synapses seed the onset of neurological diseases.


Taro’s talk title: Recording Cellular Memory to Unveil the Mechanism of Brain Memory

During his postdoc at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI, Basel), he discovered a novel epigenetic signature regulating the inducibility of stimulus-response genes.

His lab is investigating neuroplasticity in the context of memory formation and neuronal maturation by leveraging cutting-edge genomics technology. Furthermore, his group is developing new genomics technologies to tackle questions that are hardly addressable with existing technologies.

About the speaker
[Biographical information about the speaker].

Meet the speaker
To meet with the speaker informally after the talks,sign up here [add link]. We especially encourage predocs and postdocs to take advantage of this opportunity.

[Link to a file (for example a pdf of the seminar’s programme) - the file can be uploaded on the intranet]

Connection details
Zoom*: [link] (Meeting ID: [XXXXXXXXX], Password: [XXXXXXX])

Please note that the talk will yes/not be recorded.
*For the FAQ section, as a zoom participant, please use either the chat function (the host will read out your question) or the “raise your hand” function and turn on your microphone.

1 October 2024, 14:00

Bacterial biofilms, pigments and javelins

1 October 20242024External Faculty SpeakerEMBL Heidelberg, Virtual

AbstractBacteria often grow in biofilms cell clusters held together by a self produced matrix This lifestyle promotes physiological differentiation making it difficult to control bacterial growth My group studies the multicellular physiology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa a bacterium that is metabolically versatile produces a diverse set of virulence factors and is a major cause of biofilm based... AbstractBacteria often grow in biofilms, cell clusters held together by a self-produced matrix. This lifestyle promotes physiological differentiation, making it difficult to control bacterial growth. My group studies the multicellular physiology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium that is metabolically versatile, produces a diverse set of virulence factors, and is a major cause of biofilm-based infections. To visualize and investigate the mechanisms underpinning differentiation in biofilms, we use fluorescent reporters and deuterium labeling, paired with various microscopic techniques applied to thin sections and live samples. We have shown that biofilm subpopulations employ distinct strategies, such as the use of oxygen-scavenging complexes and endogenous electron-shuttling compounds called phenazines, to support metabolic activity. We have also observed that such metabolic...

Speaker(s): Lars Dietrich, Columbia University, USA
Host: Nassos Typas

Place: Large Operon

External Faculty Speaker

EMBL Heidelberg, Virtual

Additional information

Bacteria often grow in biofilms, cell clusters held together by a self-produced matrix. This lifestyle promotes physiological differentiation, making it difficult to control bacterial growth. My group studies the multicellular physiology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium that is metabolically versatile, produces a diverse set of virulence factors, and is a major cause of biofilm-based infections. To visualize and investigate the mechanisms underpinning differentiation in biofilms, we use fluorescent reporters and deuterium labeling, paired with various microscopic techniques applied to thin sections and live samples. We have shown that biofilm subpopulations employ distinct strategies, such as the use of oxygen-scavenging complexes and endogenous electron-shuttling compounds called phenazines, to support metabolic activity. We have also observed that such metabolic differentiation correlates with increased drug tolerance. Additionally, our characterization of P. aeruginosa biofilms has uncovered a virulence factor called the “refractile body” (R-body) a nanomachine that extends into a spear, thought to damage to host cells from within. R-body production is stochastic within biofilms, consistent with the idea that R-body-producing bacteria disable phagocytes and thereby protect their kin from engulfment. Broadly, our work provides insights that are specific to the communal lifestyle and that can inform efforts to control the growth of biofilms in diverse contexts that are relevant for human health and society.

The Dietrich lab conducts curiosity-driven research on cellular communication and metabolism in biofilms. P. aeruginosa, an opportunistic and metabolically versatile pathogen, is the focus of our studies. We seek to understand the mechanisms driving physiological differentiation when cells grow in groups (packed together), the consequences of physiological heterogeneity for intercellular and interspecies interactions, and the impact of such heterogeneity on our ability to treat to disease. We also love to follow up on unexpected findings, such as (i) effects of light on biofilm physiology, and (ii) the formation of proteinaceous nanospears by P. aeruginosa! 

Connection details
Zoom*:Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 961 3391 6944 
Passcode: 268344 

Please note that the talk will yes/not be recorded.
*For the FAQ section, as a zoom participant, please use either the chat function (the host will read out your question) or the “raise your hand” function and turn on your microphone.

11 October 2024, 13:00

Protein Analysis in the Era of Next-Generation Structure Prediction

11 October 20242024Hamburg SpeakerEMBL Hamburg


Speaker(s): Martin Steinegger, Seoul National University, Korea, Republic of
Host: Jan Kosinski, EMBL Hamburg, Germany

Place: Seminar Room 48e

Hamburg Speaker

EMBL Hamburg

16 October 2024, 08:30

​1st Cryo-correlative EM symposium

16 October 20242024Company RepresentativeEMBL Heidelberg

We are pleased to invite you to the 1st Cryo correlative EM symposium at the EMBL Imaging Centre Heidelberg Our informative workshops and symposiums aim to provide you with actionable insights strategies and tools to take your research to the next level Our 1 day symposium consists of scientific talks including keynote speakers from the renowned Mahamid and Mattei group alongside... We are pleased to invite you to the ​​​​1st Cryo-correlative EM symposium at the EMBL Imaging Centre, Heidelberg.Our informative workshops and symposiums aim to provide you with actionable insights, strategies and tools to take your research to the next level.Our 1 day symposium consists of scientific talks, including keynote speakers from the renowned Mahamid and Mattei group, alongside informative sessions with our Leica experts. You will have the opportunity to take a tour of the imaging centre to see the Coral Cryo workflow solutions in action. The day starts with a 'Meet-and-Greet Breakfast' at 08:30 and runs until 17:00, with complimentary refreshments and lunch served during the day.Places for this event will be limited, so please register now to secure your place. In this workshop, you will l​​​​​earn more about:Overcoming the challenges of sample...

Speaker(s): Zhengyi Yang, EMBL, Germany | Evgenia Zagoriy, EMBL, Germany | Jürgen Plitzko, MPI BIOCH, Germany | Andreia Pinto, Leica Microsystems, Germany | Martin Fritsch, Leica Microsystems, Germany
Host: Leica Microsystems Sample Preparation Team

Place: IC Lecture Hall

Company Representative

EMBL Heidelberg

Additional information

We are pleased to invite you to the ​​​​1st Cryo-correlative EM symposium at the EMBL Imaging Centre, Heidelberg.

Our informative workshops and symposiums aim to provide you with actionable insights, strategies and tools to take your research to the next level.

Our 1 day symposium consists of scientific talks, including keynote speakers from the renowned Mahamid and Mattei group, alongside informative sessions with our Leica experts. You will have the opportunity to take a tour of the imaging centre to see the Coral Cryo workflow solutions in action. The day starts with a 'Meet-and-Greet Breakfast' at 08:30 and runs until 17:00, with complimentary refreshments and lunch served during the day.

Places for this event will be limited, so please register now to secure your place. 

In this workshop, you will l​​​​​earn more about:

  • Overcoming the challenges of sample viability, quality checks and precise location of targets
  • The importance of monitoring ice thickness throughout the workflow
  • Cutting edge advances in cryo-correlative workflows and CLEM
  • Leica's NEW microtomy platform UC ENUITY




​​​​​EMBL Imaging Centre,
EMBL, Meyerhofstraße 1,
69117 Heidelberg, Germany

Registrants are welcome to bring along their own samples. If you would like to do this, please contact our experts in advance.

For more details about the event, please contact Till.Samteleben@leica-microsystems.com orandreia.pinto@leica-microsystems.com

We very much hope you can join us and look forward to seeing you at the event.

Kind regards

Your Leica Microsystems Sample Preparation Team

17 October 2024, 14:30


17 October 20242024External Faculty SpeakerEMBL Heidelberg


Speaker(s): Hassan Salem, Max Planck Institute for Biology, Tübingen, Germany
Host: Mohannad Dardiry

Place: Large Operon

External Faculty Speaker

EMBL Heidelberg

7 November 2024, 14:30

To be announced

7 November 20242024External Faculty SpeakerEMBL Heidelberg

Abstract Text for abstract About the speaker Biographical information about the speaker Meet the speakerTo meet with the speaker informally after the talks sign up here add link We especially encourage predocs and postdocs to take advantage of this opportunity Attachments Link to a file for example a pdf of the seminar s programme the file can be uploaded on the intranet Connection... Abstract[Text for abstract].About the speaker[Biographical information about the speaker].Meet the speakerTo meet with the speaker informally after the talks,sign up here [add link]. We especially encourage predocs and postdocs to take advantage of this opportunity.Attachments[Link to a file (for example a pdf of the seminar’s programme) - the file can be uploaded on the intranet]Connection detailsZoom*: Join Zoom Meeting https://embl-org.zoom.us/j/93051446608?pwd=BoAPoKk13lgiaMmUarAYaAcajwLmUY.1Meeting ID: 930 5144 6608 Passcode: 495498 Please note that the talk will yes/not be recorded.*For the FAQ section, as a zoom participant, please use either the chat function (the host will read out your question) or the “raise your hand” function and turn on your microphone.

Speaker(s): Vivek Mutalik, Lawrence Berkeley National labl, Berkeley, CA, USA

Place: Large Operon

External Faculty Speaker

EMBL Heidelberg

Additional information

[Text for abstract].

About the speaker
[Biographical information about the speaker].

Meet the speaker
To meet with the speaker informally after the talks,sign up here [add link]. We especially encourage predocs and postdocs to take advantage of this opportunity.

[Link to a file (for example a pdf of the seminar’s programme) - the file can be uploaded on the intranet]

Connection details
Zoom*: Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 930 5144 6608 
Passcode: 495498 

Please note that the talk will yes/not be recorded.
*For the FAQ section, as a zoom participant, please use either the chat function (the host will read out your question) or the “raise your hand” function and turn on your microphone.

8 November 2024, 10:00

To be announced

8 November 20242024EMBL Distinguished Visitor LectureEMBL Rome


Speaker(s): Ana Pombo, Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (MDC), Germany
Host: Mathieu Boulard

Place: Conf Room/Building 14

EMBL Distinguished Visitor Lecture


15 November 2024, 11:00

To be announced

15 November 20242024EMBL - Sapienza LectureEMBL Rome


Speaker(s): John Cryan, University College Cork, Ireland
Host: Cornelius Gross

Place: Sapienza Università di Roma - Aula Odeion - Museo dell'Arte Classica - P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - Roma

EMBL - Sapienza Lecture


15 November 2024, 13:00

Decoding Molecular Plasticity in the Dark Proteome

15 November 20242024Hamburg SpeakerEMBL Hamburg


Speaker(s): Edward Lemke, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany
Host: Matthias Wilmanns, EMBL Hamburg, Germany

Place: Seminar Room 48e

Hamburg Speaker

EMBL Hamburg

28 November 2024, 14:30


28 November 20242024External Faculty SpeakerEMBL Heidelberg


Speaker(s): Sylvie Retaux, Paris‑Saclay Institute of Neuroscience, France
Host: idoia quintana Urzainqui

Place: Large Operon

External Faculty Speaker

EMBL Heidelberg

13 December 2024, 13:00

To be announced

13 December 20242024Hamburg SpeakerEMBL Hamburg


Speaker(s): Donato Giovannelli, University of Naples "Federico II", Napoli, Italy
Host: Maria Garcia, EMBL Hamburg, Germany

Place: Seminar Room 48e

Hamburg Speaker

EMBL Hamburg

13 December 2024, 14:00

To be announced

13 December 20242024External Faculty SpeakerEMBL Heidelberg


Speaker(s): Georgia Squyres, California Institute of Technology, USA
Host: Nassos Typas

Place: Large Operon

External Faculty Speaker

EMBL Heidelberg

16 January 2025, 14:30


16 January 20252025External Faculty SpeakerEMBL Heidelberg


Speaker(s): Barbara Treutlein, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Host: Hanh Vu

Place: Large Operon

External Faculty Speaker

EMBL Heidelberg

20 February 2025, 14:30


20 February 20252025External Faculty SpeakerEMBL Heidelberg


Speaker(s): Allyson Sgro, Boston University College of Engineering, USA
Host: Jordi van Gestel

Place: Large Operon

External Faculty Speaker

EMBL Heidelberg

15 May 2025, 14:30


15 May 20252025External Faculty SpeakerEMBL Heidelberg


Speaker(s): Michel Milinkovitch, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Host: Aissam Ikmi

Place: Large Operon

External Faculty Speaker

EMBL Heidelberg