
EMBL Grenoble is located on the EPN science campus.

Visitors can be accommodated in the Guesthouse, which is located on site, to the right of the main gate.

The price per bed per night is:

Visitors not being reimbursed by the EMBL will have to pay their stay directly at the Guesthouse (in cash, by cheque on a French bank or by credit card).

We are not able to guarantee you accommodation on site on short notice. Should it not be possible to accommodate you in a single room in the Guesthouse, we need to know whether you would prefer to share a room at the Guesthouse, or have a single room in a hotel in central Grenoble.

Outside the Guesthouse reception opening hours (Monday to Friday, 7:00–20:00; weekend and public holidays, 7:00–12:00), the room keys are available at the site entrance, together with other useful documents and information.

Breakfast is served in the Guesthouse. Price: 1,84€.

Other meals are served in the joint ILL/EMBL/ESRF canteen on site. To eat there, you will need a canteen card which you request in advance. You can charge the card at the canteen/cash desk at the entrance to the Common Building before your first meal.

The canteen is open at the following times:


Lunch 11:30 - 13:30
Dinner 19:00 - 20:30

Weekends and holidays

Lunch 12:00 - 13:30
Dinner 19:00 - 20:30


At the foot of the French Alps, EMBL Grenoble can be reached by road, rail and air.