Louise Walker
Marketing & Communications Manager (Mat)
louisew [at] ebi.ac.uk
ORCID: 0009-0006-0559-7784
EMBL-EBI Training
Marketing & Communications Manager (Mat)
Marketing & Communications Manager (Mat)
louisew [at] ebi.ac.uk
ORCID: 0009-0006-0559-7784
Louise joined the Training team in May 2024 as maternity cover for Rebecca Nicholl. As Marketing and Communications Manager, she is responsible for ensuring good attendance at our courses and manages social media, newsletters and other communications channels.
Louise holds a degree in Medical Biochemistry and a PhD in Cell Biology, both awarded by the University of Manchester. Since gaining her PhD in 2014, she has worked in science-focused communication, marketing and public engagement across the charity, public and commercial sectors. This includes working as a research communications officer for Alzheimer’s Society and coordinating public engagement programmes for major scientific projects at the Wellcome Sanger Institute.