Ajay Mishra
Scientific Training Officer - Digital learning
ajay [at] ebi.ac.uk
ORCID: 0000-0001-8201-4067
EMBL-EBI Training
Scientific Training Officer - Digital learning
Scientific Training Officer - Digital learning
ajay [at] ebi.ac.uk
ORCID: 0000-0001-8201-4067
Ajay joined EMBL-EBI Training team as a Scientific Training Officer in July 2019, and is now jointly responsible for managing EMBL-EBI’s e-learning programme.
Ajay has DPhil in Biochemistry from University of Oxford where he studied the mechanisms underlying the regulation of chromosome segregation during cell division. For his post-doctoral research at Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Institute, and King’s College London, Ajay investigated the molecular mechanisms regulating the stem cell differentiation in human skin using multi-omics, imaging, and organotypic culture approaches.
After post-doctoral research, Ajay headed a biology team at Cambridge Infinitus Research Centre (CIRCE) in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge where the key focus was to elucidate the mechanistic insight of the activity of traditional Chinese medicine in ageing and age-related human disorders such as neurodegeneration.