
EMBL Taxonomy:

Schneider Group

14 December 2023 Photo of Selina Storm standing in front of the PETRA III synchrotron storage ring.

We are EMBL: Selina Storm on PETRA IV and new perspectives for EMBL Hamburg

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives EMBL Hamburg is located at the PETRA III synchrotron, which in the future, will be upgraded to PETRA IV. Selina Storm is theEMBL@PETRA IV Programme Manager. Here, she speaks about her role and the benefits of PETRA IV for EMBL.



10 May 2023 Illustration showing a cute humanoid-shaped robot that spits pink droplets at a sheet.

Time-resolved crystallography for the masses

Science & Technology EMBL Hamburg scientists have contributed to the development of the Spitrobot, a ground-breaking experimental setup that will simplify creating molecular movies. The Spitrobot automates the sample preparation for time-resolved crystallography, which is used to create 3D snapshots of protein…



5 November 2021 Three-dimensional rendering of sponge neuroid cells (coloured orange) and sponge digestive cells (coloured green).

More than a gut reaction

Science & Technology What can sponges tell us about the evolution of the brain? Sponges have the genes involved in neuronal function in higher animals. But if sponges don’t have brains, what is the role of these? EMBL scientists imaged the sponge digestive chamber to find out.



6 April 2021 A model of Glycine Transporter 1, which is located in the cell membrane. In its lower-middle part, it is bound by its inhibitor, which is a much smaller molecule. At its top, Glycine Transporter 1 is bound by a synthetic mini-antibody, called a sybody.

New perspectives for treating psychiatric disorders

Science & Technology Scientists have determined the structure of Glycine Transporter 1. The finding could open new avenues for developing therapeutics for psychiatric disorders




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