
EMBL Taxonomy:

Duke Team

17 March 2023 Liz Duke standing on the left side of the photo, with EMBL Hamburg's P14 beamline and a big screen on the right.

Molecules to Ecosystems: Liz Duke on X-ray imaging

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives Biological X-ray imaging is an emerging technology that uses X-rays to image tissues or even entire organisms. It will play an important role in EMBL Hamburg’s future service portfolio, and will allow studying life on multiple scales. Team Leader Liz Duke discusses her plans to establish X-ray…



20 August 2021 Liz Duke in front of the PETRA III synchrotron.

Welcome: Liz Duke

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives The new team leader at EMBL Hamburg talks about her plans to establish biological X-ray imaging and high-throughput tomography.




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