Genetically encoded multimeric tags for subcellular protein localization in cryo-EM.

Fung HKH, Hayashi Y, Salo VT, Babenko A, Zagoriy I, Brunner A, Ellenberg J, Müller CW, Cuylen-Haering S, Mahamid J

Nature methods, 2023


Hypomyelination, hypodontia and craniofacial abnormalities in a Polr3b mouse model of leukodystrophy.

Michell-Robinson MA, Watt KEN, Grouza V, Macintosh J, Pinard M, Tuznik M, Chen X, Darbelli L, Wu CL, Perrier S, Chitsaz D, Uccelli NA, Liu H, Cox TC, Müller CW, Kennedy TE, Coulombe B, Rudko DA, Trainor PA, Bernard G

Brain : a journal of neurology, 2023


Structural insights into human TFIIIC promoter recognition.

Seifert-Davila W, Girbig M, Hauptmann L, Hoffmann T, Eustermann S, Müller CW

Science advances, 2023


The mission to ensure continued funding for excellent basic research.

Lamond AI, Dikic I, Nussenzweig A, Müller CW, Thornton JM, Yaffe MB

EMBO reports, 2023


Molecular mechanisms of stress-induced reactivation in mumps virus condensates.

Zhang X, Sridharan S, Zagoriy I, Eugster Oegema C, Ching C, Pflaesterer T, Fung HKH, Becher I, Poser I, Müller CW, Hyman AA, Savitski MM, Mahamid J

Cell, 2023


Genetically encoded multimeric tags for intracellular protein localisation in cryo-EM.

Fung KHH, Hayashi Y, Salo TV, Babenko A, Zagoriy I, Brunner A, Ellenberg J, Mueller WC, Cuylen-Haering S, Mahamid J

bioRxiv, 2022


Architecture of the yeast Pol III pre-termination complex and pausing mechanism on poly(dT) termination signals.

Girbig M, Xie J, Grötsch H, Libri D, Porrua O, Müller CW

Cell reports, 2022


An integrated model for termination of RNA polymerase III transcription.

Xie J, Aiello U, Clement Y, Haidara N, Girbig M, Schmitzova J, Pena V, Müller CW, Libri D, Porrua O

Science advances, 2022


Structural insights into nuclear transcription by eukaryotic DNA-dependent RNA polymerases.

Girbig M, Misiaszek AD, Müller CW

Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology, 2022


Mechanism of RNA polymerase I selection by transcription factor UAF.

Baudin F, Murciano B, Fung HKH, Fromm SA, Mattei S, Mahamid J, Müller CW

Science advances, 2022


Cryo-EM structures of human RNA polymerase I.

Misiaszek AD, Girbig M, Grötsch H, Baudin F, Murciano B, Lafita A, Müller CW

Nature structural & molecular biology, 2021


A modular platform for automated cryo-FIB workflows.

Klumpe S, Fung HKH, Goetz SK, Zagoriy I, Hampoelz B, Zhang X, Erdmann PS, Baumbach J, Müller CW, Beck M, Plitzko JM, Mahamid J

eLife, 2021


Structural basis of DNA methylation-dependent site selectivity of the Epstein-Barr virus lytic switch protein ZEBRA/Zta/BZLF1.

Bernaudat F, Gustems M, Günther J, Oliva MF, Buschle A, Göbel C, Pagniez P, Lupo J, Signor L, Müller CW, Morand P, Sattler M, Hammerschmidt W, Petosa C

Nucleic acids research, 2021


Cryo-EM structures of human RNA polymerase III in its unbound and transcribing states.

Girbig M, Misiaszek AD, Vorländer MK, Lafita A, Grötsch H, Baudin F, Bateman A, Müller CW

Nature structural & molecular biology, 2021


Structure of the TFIIIC subcomplex τA provides insights into RNA polymerase III pre-initiation complex formation.

Vorländer MK, Jungblut A, Karius K, Baudin F, Grötsch H, Kosinski J, Müller CW

Nature communications, 2020


In-cell architecture of the nuclear pore and snapshots of its turnover.

Allegretti M, Zimmerli CE, Rantos V, Wilfling F, Ronchi P, Fung HKH, Lee CW, Hagen W, Turoňová B, Karius K, Börmel M, Zhang X, Müller CW, Schwab Y, Mahamid J, Pfander B, Kosinski J, Beck M

Nature, 2020


Structural basis for RNA polymerase III transcription repression by Maf1.

Vorländer MK, Baudin F, Moir RD, Wetzel R, Hagen WJH, Willis IM, Müller CW

Nature structural & molecular biology, 2020


Molecular insight into RNA polymerase I promoter recognition and promoter melting.

Sadian Y, Baudin F, Tafur L, Murciano B, Wetzel R, Weis F, Müller CW

Nature communications, 2019


Molecular basis of tRNA recognition by the Elongator complex.

Dauden MI, Jaciuk M, Weis F, Lin TY, Kleindienst C, Abbassi NEH, Khatter H, Krutyhołowa R, Breunig KD, Kosinski J, Müller CW, Glatt S

Science advances, 2019


Unleashing the power of ASH1L methyltransferase.

De I, Müller CW

Structure (London, England : 1993), 2019


The cryo-EM structure of a 12-subunit variant of RNA polymerase I reveals dissociation of the A49-A34.5 heterodimer and rearrangement of subunit A12.2.

Tafur L, Sadian Y, Hanske J, Wetzel R, Weis F, Müller CW

eLife, 2019


Structural basis for the activation of the deubiquitinase Calypso by the Polycomb protein ASX.

De I, Chittock EC, Grötsch H, Miller TCR, McCarthy AA, Müller CW

Structure (London, England : 1993), 2019


The signalling conformation of the insulin receptor ectodomain.

Weis F, Menting JG, Margetts MB, Chan SJ, Xu Y, Tennagels N, Wohlfart P, Langer T, Müller CW, Dreyer MK, Lawrence MC

Nature communications, 2018


The cryo-EM resolution revolution and transcription complexes.

Hanske J, Sadian Y, Müller CW

Current opinion in structural biology, 2018


Pervasive protein thermal stability variation during the cell cycle.

Becher I, Andrés-Pons A, Romanov N, Stein F, Schramm M, Baudin F, Helm D, Kurzawa N, Mateus A, Mackmull MT, Typas A, Müller CW, Bork P, Beck M, Savitski MM

Cell, 2018


Structural asymmetry in the eukaryotic Elongator complex.

Dauden MI, Jaciuk M, Müller CW, Glatt S

FEBS letters, 2017


Molecular mechanism of promoter opening by RNA polymerase III.

Vorländer MK, Khatter H, Wetzel R, Hagen WJH, Müller CW

Nature, 2018


Editorial overview: Protein-nucleic acid interactions: An expanding universe.

Cusack S, Müller CW

Current opinion in structural biology, 2017


RNA polymerase I and III: similar yet unique.

Khatter H, Vorländer MK, Müller CW

Current opinion in structural biology, 2017


Structural insights into transcription initiation by yeast RNA polymerase I.

Sadian Y, Tafur L, Kosinski J, Jakobi AJ, Wetzel R, Buczak K, Hagen WJ, Beck M, Sachse C, Müller CW

The EMBO journal, 2017


A synthetic biology approach to probing nucleosome symmetry.

Ichikawa Y, Connelly CF, Appleboim A, Miller TC, Jacobi H, Abshiru NA, Chou HJ, Chen Y, Sharma U, Zheng Y, Thomas PM, Chen HV, Bajaj V, Müller CW, Kelleher NL, Friedman N, Bolon DN, Rando OJ, Kaufman PD

eLife, 2017


RNA polymerase III initiation on coligo DNA templates containing loops of variable sequence, size and nucleotide chemistry.

Patel J, Lama L, Hoffmann NA, Cobo J, Müller CW, Ryan K

Gene, 2016


The LOTUS domain is a conserved DEAD-box RNA helicase regulator essential for the recruitment of Vasa to the germ plasm and nuage.

Jeske M, Müller CW, Ephrussi A

Genes & development, 2017


Molecular architecture of polycomb repressive complexes.

Chittock EC, Latwiel S, Miller TC, Müller CW

Biochemical Society transactions, 2017


A bromodomain-DNA interaction facilitates acetylation-dependent bivalent nucleosome recognition by the BET protein BRDT

Miller TC, Simon B, Rybin V, Grötsch H, Curtet S, Khochbin S, Carlomagno T, Müller CW



Molecular Structures of Transcribing RNA Polymerase I

Tafur L, Sadian Y, Hoffmann NA, Jakobi AJ, Wetzel R, Hagen WJ, Sachse C, Müller CW



Architecture of the yeast Elongator complex

Dauden MI, Kosinski J, Kolaj-Robin O, Desfosses A, Ori A, Faux C, Hoffmann NA, Onuma OF, Breunig KD, Beck M, Sachse C, Séraphin B, Glatt S, Müller CW



Structural basis for tRNA modification by Elp3 from Dehalococcoides mccartyi.

Glatt S, Zabel R, Kolaj-Robin O, Onuma OF, Baudin F, Graziadei A, Taverniti V, Lin TY, Baymann F, Séraphin B, Breunig KD, Müller CW

Nature structural & molecular biology, 2016


Specialization versus Conservation: How Pol I and Pol III use the conserved architecture of the pre-initiation complex for specialized transcription.

Hoffmann NA, Sadian Y, Tafur L, Kosinski J, Müller CW

Transcription, 2016


Transcribing RNA polymerase III observed by electron cryo-microscopy.

Hoffmann NA, Jakobi AJ, Vorländer MK, Sachse C, Müller CW

The FEBS journal, 2016


Automated structure modeling of large protein assemblies using crosslinks as distance restraints.

Ferber M, Kosinski J, Ori A, Rashid UJ, Moreno-Morcillo M, Simon B, Bouvier G, Batista PR, Müller CW, Beck M, Nilges M

Nature methods, 2016


Complex Interdependence Regulates Heterotypic Transcription Factor Distribution and Coordinates Cardiogenesis.

Luna-Zurita L, Stirnimann CU, Glatt S, Kaynak BL, Thomas S, Baudin F, Samee MA, He D, Small EM, Mileikovsky M, Nagy A, Holloway AK, Pollard KS, Müller CW, Bruneau BG

Cell, 2016


The Combination of X-Ray Crystallography and Cryo-Electron Microscopy Provides Insight into the Overall Architecture of the Dodecameric Rvb1/Rvb2 Complex.

Silva-Martin N, Daudén MI, Glatt S, Hoffmann NA, Kastritis P, Bork P, Beck M, Müller CW

PloS one, 2016


Molecular structures of unbound and transcribing RNA polymerase III.

Hoffmann NA, Jakobi AJ, Moreno-Morcillo M, Glatt S, Kosinski J, Hagen WJ, Sachse C, Müller CW

Nature, 2015


The crystal structure of the Drosophila germline inducer oskar identifies two domains with distinct Vasa helicase- and RNA-binding activities.

Jeske M, Bordi M, Glatt S, Müller S, Rybin V, Müller CW, Ephrussi A

Cell Reports, 2015


Architecture of TFIIIC and its role in RNA polymerase III pre-initiation complex assembly.

Male G, von Appen A, Glatt S, Taylor NM, Cristovao M, Groetsch H, Beck M, Müller CW

Nature communications, 2015


Xlink Analyzer: Software for analysis and visualization of cross-linking data in the context of three-dimensional structures.

Kosinski J, von Appen A, Ori A, Karius K, Müller CW, Beck M

Journal of structural biology, 2015


Structure of the Kti11/Kti13 Heterodimer and Its Double Role in Modifications of tRNA and Eukaryotic Elongation Factor 2.

Glatt S, Zabel R, Vonkova I, Kumar A, Netz DJ, Pierik AJ, Rybin V, Lill R, Gavin A, Balbach J, Breunig KD, Müller CW

Structure (London, England : 1993), 2014


An integrated approach for genome annotation of the eukaryotic thermophile Chaetomium thermophilum.

Bock T, Chen WH, Ori A, Malik N, Silva-Martin N, Huerta-Cepas J, Powell ST, Kastritis PL, Smyshlyaev G, Vonkova I, Kirkpatrick J, Doerks T, Nesme L, Baßler J, Kos M, Hurt E, Carlomagno T, Gavin AC, Barabas O, Müller CW, van Noort V, Beck M, Bork P

Nucleic acids research, 2014


Structural biology: Enzyme-chromatin complex visualized.

Müller J, Müller CW

Nature, 2014


Solving the RNA polymerase I structural puzzle.

Moreno-Morcillo M, Taylor NM, Gruene T, Legrand P, Rashid UJ, Ruiz FM, Steuerwald U, Müller CW, Fernández-Tornero C

Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography, 2014


Histone H2A monoubiquitination promotes histone H3 methylation in Polycomb repression

Kalb R, Latwiel S, Baymaz HI, Jansen PW, Müller CW, Vermeulen M, Müller J

Nature structural & molecular biology, 2014


Structural basis for targeting the chromatin repressor Sfmbt to Polycomb response elements.

Alfieri C, Gambetta MC, Matos R, Glatt S, Sehr P, Fraterman S, Wilm M, Müller J, Müller CW

Genes & development, 2013


Crystal structure of the 14-subunit RNA polymerase I

Fernández-Tornero C, Moreno-Morcillo M, Rashid UJ, Taylor NM, Ruiz FM, Gruene T, Legrand P, Steuerwald U, Müller CW

Nature, 2013


RNA polymerase III-specific general transcription factor IIIC contains a heterodimer resembling TFIIF Rap30/Rap74

Taylor NM, Baudin F, von Scheven G, Müller CW

Nucleic acids research, 2013


Structure of a truncation mutant of the nuclear export factor CRM1 provides insights into the auto-inhibitory role of its C-terminal helix

Dian C, Bernaudat F, Langer K, Oliva MF, Fornerod M, Schoehn G, Müller CW, Petosa C

Structure (London, England : 1993), 2013


Structural and functional characterization of a phosphatase domain within yeast general transcription factor IIIC

Taylor NM, Glatt S, Hennrich ML, von Scheven G, Grötsch H, Fernández-Tornero C, Rybin V, Gavin AC, Kolb P, Müller CW

The Journal of biological chemistry, 2013


Structural insights into Elongator function

Glatt S, Müller CW

Current opinion in structural biology, 2013


Bacterial expression, purification, and crystallization of tyrosine phosphorylated STAT proteins

Baudin F, Müller CW

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2013


The Elongator subcomplex Elp456 is a hexameric RecA-like ATPase

Glatt S, Létoquart J, Faux C, Taylor NM, Séraphin B, Müller CW

Nature structural & molecular biology, 2012


Elongator: transcriptional or translational regulator?

Glatt S, Séraphin B, Müller CW

Transcription, 2012


Chromatin-modifying complex component Nurf55/p55 associates with histones H3 and H4 and polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit Su(z)12 through partially overlapping binding sites

Nowak AJ, Alfieri C, Stirnimann CU, Rybin V, Baudin F, Ly-Hartig N, Lindner D, Müller CW

The Journal of biological chemistry, 2011


Recognizing and remodeling the nucleosome

Glatt S, Alfieri C, Müller CW

Current opinion in structural biology, 2011


Human importin alpha and RNA do not compete for binding to influenza A virus nucleoprotein

Boulo S, Akarsu H, Lotteau V, Müller CW, Ruigrok RW, Baudin F

Virology, 2011


Analyzing RNA polymerase III by electron cryomicroscopy

Fernández-Tornero C, Böttcher B, Rashid UJ, Müller CW

RNA biology, 2011


Mass spectrometry reveals stable modules in holo and apo RNA polymerases I and III

Lane LA, Fernández-Tornero C, Zhou M, Morgner N, Ptchelkine D, Steuerwald U, Politis A, Lindner D, Gvozdenovic J, Gavin AC, Müller CW, Robinson CV

Structure (London, England : 1993), 2011


Insights into the function of the CRM1 cofactor RanBP3 from the structure of its Ran-binding domain

Langer K, Dian C, Rybin V, Müller CW, Petosa C

PloS one, 2011


Conformational flexibility of RNA polymerase III during transcriptional elongation

Fernández-Tornero C, Böttcher B, Rashid UJ, Steuerwald U, Flörchinger B, Devos DP, Lindner D, Müller CW

The EMBO journal, 2010


Full repression of RNA polymerase III transcription requires interaction between two domains of its negative regulator Maf1

Gajda A, Towpik J, Steuerwald U, Müller CW, Lefebvre O, Boguta M

The Journal of biological chemistry, 2010


A systematic screen for protein-lipid interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Gallego O, Betts MJ, Gvozdenovic-Jeremic J, Maeda K, Matetzki C, Aguilar-Gurrieri C, Beltran-Alvarez P, Bonn S, Fernández-Tornero C, Jensen LJ, Kuhn M, Trott J, Rybin V, Müller CW, Bork P, Kaksonen M, Russell RB, Gavin AC

Molecular systems biology, 2010


Solving the NES problem

Mattaj IW, Müller CW

Nature structural & molecular biology, 2010


WD40 proteins propel cellular networks

Stirnimann CU, Petsalaki E, Russell RB, Müller CW

Trends in biochemical sciences, 2010


Structural basis of TBX5-DNA recognition: the T-box domain in its DNA-bound and -unbound form

Stirnimann CU, Ptchelkine D, Grimm C, Müller CW

Journal of molecular biology, 2010


[A novel key element in post-meiotic male genome reprogramming]

Rousseaux S, Petosa C, Müller CW, Khochbin S

Medecine sciences : M/S, 2010


Cooperative binding of two acetylation marks on a histone tail by a single bromodomain

Morinière J, Rousseaux S, Steuerwald U, Soler-López M, Curtet S, Vitte AL, Govin J, Gaucher J, Sadoul K, Hart DJ, Krijgsveld J, Khochbin S, Müller CW, Petosa C

Nature, 2009


Molecular recognition of histone lysine methylation by the Polycomb group repressor dSfmbt

Grimm C, Matos R, Ly-Hartig N, Steuerwald U, Lindner D, Rybin V, Müller J, Müller CW

The EMBO journal, 2009


Structural basis for LEAFY floral switch function and similarity with helix-turn-helix proteins

Hamès C, Ptchelkine D, Grimm C, Thevenon E, Moyroud E, Gérard F, Martiel JL, Benlloch R, Parcy F, Müller CW

The EMBO journal, 2008


Structure of the Drosophila nucleosome core particle highlights evolutionary constraints on the H2A-H2B histone dimer

Clapier CR, Chakravarthy S, Petosa C, Fernández-Tornero C, Luger K, Müller CW

Proteins, 2008


Structural and functional analyses of methyl-lysine binding by the malignant brain tumour repeat protein Sex comb on midleg

Grimm C, de Ayala Alonso AG, Rybin V, Steuerwald U, Ly-Hartig N, Fischle W, Müller J, Müller CW

EMBO reports, 2007


Insights into transcription initiation and termination from the electron microscopy structure of yeast RNA polymerase III

Fernández-Tornero C, Böttcher B, Riva M, Carles C, Steuerwald U, Ruigrok RW, Sentenac A, Müller CW, Schoehn G

Molecular cell, 2007


Protein-nucleic acid interactions: some assembly required - Editorial overview

Berger JM, Muller CW



Structure of the tau60/Delta tau91 subcomplex of yeast transcription factor IIIC: insights into preinitiation complex assembly

Mylona A, Fernández-Tornero C, Legrand P, Haupt M, Sentenac A, Acker J, Müller CW

Molecular cell, 2006


HDAC6-p97/VCP controlled polyubiquitin chain turnover

Boyault C, Gilquin B, Zhang Y, Rybin V, Garman E, Meyer-Klaucke W, Matthias P, Müller CW, Khochbin S

The EMBO journal, 2006


Karyopherin flexibility in nucleocytoplasmic transport

Conti E, Müller CW, Stewart M

Current opinion in structural biology, 2006


Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a C-terminal fragment of the Epstein-Barr virus ZEBRA protein

Morand P, Budayova-Spano M, Perrissin M, Müller CW, Petosa C

Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology and crystallization communications, 2006


Expression, proteolytic analysis, reconstitution, and crystallization of the tau60/tau91 subcomplex of yeast TFIIIC

Mylona A, Acker J, Fernández-Tornero C, Sentenac A, Müller CW

Protein expression and purification, 2006


Structural basis of lytic cycle activation by the Epstein-Barr virus ZEBRA protein

Petosa C, Morand P, Baudin F, Moulin M, Artero JB, Müller CW

Molecular cell, 2006


Protein/DNA Interaction

Morand, P & Müller, C.W



The histone fold subunits of Drosophila CHRAC facilitate nucleosome sliding through dynamic DNA interactions

Hartlepp KF, Fernández-Tornero C, Eberharter A, Grüne T, Müller CW, Becker PB

Molecular and cellular biology, 2005


Interaction of influenza virus proteins with nucleosomes

Garcia-Robles I, Akarsu H, Müller CW, Ruigrok RW, Baudin F

Virology, 2005


Architecture of CRM1/Exportin1 suggests how cooperativity is achieved during formation of a nuclear export complex

Petosa C, Schoehn G, Askjaer P, Bauer U, Moulin M, Steuerwald U, Soler-López M, Baudin F, Mattaj IW, Müller CW

Molecular cell, 2004


The histone octamer is invisible when NF-kappaB binds to the nucleosome

Angelov D, Lenouvel F, Hans F, Müller CW, Bouvet P, Bednar J, Moudrianakis EN, Cadet J, Dimitrov S

The Journal of biological chemistry, 2004


Structure of an activated Dictyostelium STAT in its DNA-unbound form

Soler-Lopez M, Petosa C, Fukuzawa M, Ravelli R, Williams JG, Müller CW

Molecular cell, 2004


Crystal structure of the M1 protein-binding domain of the influenza A virus nuclear export protein (NEP/NS2)

Akarsu H, Burmeister WP, Petosa C, Petit I, Müller CW, Ruigrok RW, Baudin F

The EMBO journal, 2003


Crystal structure and functional analysis of a nucleosome recognition module of the remodeling factor ISWI

Grüne T, Brzeski J, Eberharter A, Clapier CR, Corona DF, Becker PB, Müller CW

Molecular cell, 2003


Solution study of the NF-kappaB p50-DNA complex by UV laser protein-DNA cross-linking

Angelov D, Charra M, Müller CW, Cadet J, Dimitrov S

Photochemistry and photobiology, 2003


Structure of the GCM domain-DNA complex: a DNA-binding domain with a novel fold and mode of target site recognition

Cohen SX, Moulin M, Hashemolhosseini S, Kilian K, Wegner M, Müller CW

The EMBO journal, 2003


X-ray crystal structure of STAT proteins and structure-activity relationships

Müller CW, Soler-Lopez M, Gewinner C, Groner B



The GCM domain is a Zn-coordinating DNA-binding domain

Cohen SX, Moulin M, Schilling O, Meyer-Klaucke W, Schreiber J, Wegner M, Müller CW

FEBS letters, 2002


Structure of the DNA-bound T-box domain of human TBX3, a transcription factor responsible for ulnar-mammary syndrome

Coll M, Seidman JG, Müller CW

Structure (London, England : 1993), 2002


Crystal structure of the ankyrin repeat domain of Bcl-3: a unique member of the IkappaB protein family

Michel F, Soler-Lopez M, Petosa C, Cramer P, Siebenlist U, Müller CW

The EMBO journal, 2001


Comparison of ARM and HEAT protein repeats

Andrade MA, Petosa C, O'Donoghue SI, Müller CW, Bork P

Journal of molecular biology, 2001


Transcription factors: global and detailed views

Müller CW

Current opinion in structural biology, 2001


DNA recognition by NF kappa B and STAT transcription factors

Müller CW

Ernst Schering Research Foundation workshop, 2001


Nuclear import factors importin alpha and importin beta undergo mutually induced conformational changes upon association

Cingolani G, Lashuel HA, Gerace L, Müller CW

FEBS letters, 2000


Structure of the specificity domain of the Dorsal homologue Gambif1 bound to DNA

Cramer P, Varrot A, Barillas-Mury C, Kafatos FC, Müller CW

Structure (London, England : 1993), 1999


Structure of importin-beta bound to the IBB domain of importin-alpha

Cingolani G, Petosa C, Weis K, Müller CW

Nature, 1999


Different TBX5 interactions in heart and limb defined by Holt-Oram syndrome mutations

Basson CT, Huang T, Lin RC, Bachinsky DR, Weremowicz S, Vaglio A, Bruzzone R, Quadrelli R, Lerone M, Romeo G, Silengo M, Pereira A, Krieger J, Mesquita SF, Kamisago M, Morton CC, Pierpont ME, Müller CW, Seidman JG, Seidman CE

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1999


A firm hand on NFkappaB: structures of the IkappaBalpha-NFkappaB complex

Cramer P, Müller CW

Structure (London, England : 1993), 1999


Expression of a tyrosine phosphorylated, DNA binding Stat3beta dimer in bacteria

Becker S, Corthals GL, Aebersold R, Groner B, Müller CW

FEBS letters, 1998


Three-dimensional structure of the Stat3beta homodimer bound to DNA

Becker S, Groner B, Müller CW

Nature, 1998


Structure of the human NF-kappaB p52 homodimer-DNA complex at 2.1 A resolution

Cramer P, Larson CJ, Verdine GL, Müller CW

The EMBO journal, 1997


Crystallographic structure of the T domain-DNA complex of the Brachyury transcription factor

Müller CW, Herrmann BG

Nature, 1997


Engineering of diffraction-quality crystals of the NF-kappaB P52 homodimer:DNA complex.

Cramer P, Müller CW

FEBS letters, 1997


Preparation and properties of oligodeoxynucleotides containing 5-iodouracil and 5-bromo- and 5-iodocytosine

Ferrer E, Wiersma M, Kazimierczak B, Müller CW, Eritja R

Bioconjugate chemistry, 1997


Comparison of two different DNA-binding modes of the NF-kappa B p50 homodimer.

Müller CW, Rey FA, Harrison SC

Nature structural biology, 1996


Adenylate kinase motions during catalysis: an energetic counterweight balancing substrate binding.

Müller CW, Schlauderer GJ, Reinstein J, Schulz GE

Structure (London, England : 1993), 1996


The structure of the NF-kappa B p50:DNA-complex: a starting point for analyzing the Rel family.

Müller CW, Harrison SC

FEBS letters, 1995


Structure of the NF-kappa B p50 homodimer bound to DNA

Müller CW, Rey FA, Sodeoka M, Verdine GL, Harrison SC

Nature, 1995


Delineation of two functional regions of transcription factor TFIIB.

Barberis A, Müller CW, Harrison SC, Ptashne M

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1993


Crystal structures of two mutants of adenylate kinase from Escherichia coli that modify the Gly-loop.

Müller CW, Schulz GE

Proteins, 1993


Highly ordered crystals of channel-forming membrane proteins, of nucleoside-monophosphate kinases, of FAD-containing oxidoreductases and of sugar-processing enzymes and their mutants

Schulz GE, Dreyer M, Klein C, Kreusch A, Mittl P, Müller CW, Müller-Dieckmann J, Müller YA, Proba K, Schlauderer G, Spürgin P, Sthele T, Weisss MS



Structure of the complex between adenylate kinase from Escherichia coli and the inhibitor Ap5A refined at 1.9 A resolution. A model for a catalytic transition state.

Müller CW, Schulz GE

Journal of molecular biology, 1992


Induced-fit movements in adenylate kinases.

Schulz GE, Müller CW, Diederichs K

Journal of molecular biology, 1990


Crystallization of proteins under microgravity

Erdmann, V.A., Lippman, C., Betzel, C., Dauter, Z., Wilson, K., Hilgenfeld, R., Hoven, J., Liesum, A., Saenger W, Müller-Fahrnow A, Hinrichs W, Duevel M,Schulz GE, Müller CW, Wittmann HG, Yonath A, Weber G, Stegen K, Plaas-Link A



Structure of the complex of adenylate kinase from Escherichia coli with the inhibitor P1,P5-di(adenosine-5'-)pentaphosphate.

Müller CW, Schulz GE

Journal of molecular biology, 1988
