EMDB-the Electron Microscopy Data Bank.

wwPDB Consortium .

Nucleic Acids Res, 2024


Annotating Macromolecular Complexes in the Protein Data Bank: Improving the FAIRness of Structure Data.

Appasamy SD, Berrisford J, Gaborova R, Nair S, Anyango S, Grudinin S, Deshpande M, Armstrong D, Pidruchna I, Ellaway JIJ, Leines GD, Gupta D, Harrus D, Varadi M, Velankar S.

Sci Data, 2023


PDBe and PDBe-KB: Providing high-quality, up-to-date and integrated resources of macromolecular structures to support basic and applied research and education.

Varadi M, Anyango S, Appasamy SD, Armstrong D, Bage M, Berrisford J, Choudhary P, Bertoni D, Deshpande M, Leines GD, Ellaway J, Evans G, Gaborova R, Gupta D, Gutmanas A, Harrus D, Kleywegt GJ, Bueno WM, Nadzirin N, Nair S, Pravda L, Afonso MQL, Sehnal D, Tanweer A, Tolchard J, Abrams C, Dunlop R, Velankar S.

Protein Sci, 2022


PDBe-KB: collaboratively defining the biological context of structural data.

PDBe-KB consortium.

Nucleic Acids Res, 2022


A guide to analysing binding sites in protein structures

Armstrong D.



PDBe aggregated API: programmatic access to an integrative knowledge graph of molecular structure data.

Nair S, Váradi M, Nadzirin N, Pravda L, Anyango S, Mir S, Berrisford J, Armstrong D, Gutmanas A, Velankar S.

Bioinformatics, 2021


PDBe: improved findability of macromolecular structure data in the PDB.

Armstrong DR, Berrisford JM, Conroy MJ, Gutmanas A, Anyango S, Choudhary P, Clark AR, Dana JM, Deshpande M, Dunlop R, Gane P, Gáborová R, Gupta D, Haslam P, Koča J, Mak L, Mir S, Mukhopadhyay A, Nadzirin N, Nair S, Paysan-Lafosse T, Pravda L, Sehnal D, Salih O, Smart O, Tolchard J, Varadi M, Svobodova-Vařeková R, Zaki H, Kleywegt GJ, Velankar S.

Nucleic Acids Res, 2020


PDBe-KB: a community-driven resource for structural and functional annotations.

PDBe-KB consortium.

Nucleic Acids Res, 2020


Protein Structure Databases

Armstrong DA, Berrisford JM, Conroy MJ, Clark AR, Gupta D, Mukhopadhyay A.



Protein Data Bank: the single global archive for 3D macromolecular structure data.

wwPDB consortium.

Nucleic Acids Res, 2019


Worldwide Protein Data Bank biocuration supporting open access to high-quality 3D structural biology data.

Young JY, Westbrook JD, Feng Z, Peisach E, Persikova I, Sala R, Sen S, Berrisford JM, Swaminathan GJ, Oldfield TJ, Gutmanas A, Igarashi R, Armstrong DR, Baskaran K, Chen L, Chen M, Clark AR, Di Costanzo L, Dimitropoulos D, Gao G, Ghosh S, Gore S, Guranovic V, Hendrickx PMS, Hudson BP, Ikegawa Y, Kengaku Y, Lawson CL, Liang Y, Mak L, Mukhopadhyay A, Narayanan B, Nishiyama K, Patwardhan A, Sahni G, Sanz-García E, Sato J, Sekharan MR, Shao C, Smart OS, Tan L, van Ginkel G, Yang H, Zhuravleva MA, Markley JL, Nakamura H, Kurisu G, Kleywegt GJ, Velankar S, Berman HM, Burley SK.

Database (Oxford), 2018


PDBe: towards reusable data delivery infrastructure at protein data bank in Europe.

Mir S, Alhroub Y, Anyango S, Armstrong DR, Berrisford JM, Clark AR, Conroy MJ, Dana JM, Deshpande M, Gupta D, Gutmanas A, Haslam P, Mak L, Mukhopadhyay A, Nadzirin N, Paysan-Lafosse T, Sehnal D, Sen S, Smart OS, Varadi M, Kleywegt GJ, Velankar S.

Nucleic Acids Res, 2018


Human genetic variation (II): exploring publicly available data

Armstrong D, Burke M, Emery L, MacArthur J, Nightingale A, Perry E, Pundir S, Saunders G.



Human genetic variation (I): an introduction

Armstrong D, Burke M, Emery L, MacArthur J, Nightingale A, Perry E, Pundir S, Saunders G.



10th Anniversary Treasure Hunt

Armstrong D, Burke M, Huerta L, Levchenko M, Mitchell A, Morgan S, Mugumbate G, Mutowo P, Orchard S, Perry E, Pundir S, Richardson L, Tang A.



EMBL-EBI, programmatically: take a REST from manual searches

Burke M, Armstrong D, Carvalho-Silva D, Castro L, Cowley A, Finn R, Foix A, Katuri J, Laird M, Lee J, Levchenko M, Lopez R, Nightingale A, Nightingale A, Nowotka M, Perry E, Pichler K, Pundir S, Morgan S, Saunders G, Garcia P, Squizzato S.



Visualising protein structures online

Armstrong A.



OneDep: Unified wwPDB System for Deposition, Biocuration, and Validation of Macromolecular Structures in the PDB Archive.

Young JY, Westbrook JD, Feng Z, Sala R, Peisach E, Oldfield TJ, Sen S, Gutmanas A, Armstrong DR, Berrisford JM, Chen L, Chen M, Di Costanzo L, Dimitropoulos D, Gao G, Ghosh S, Gore S, Guranovic V, Hendrickx PMS, Hudson BP, Igarashi R, Ikegawa Y, Kobayashi N, Lawson CL, Liang Y, Mading S, Mak L, Mir MS, Mukhopadhyay A, Patwardhan A, Persikova I, Rinaldi L, Sanz-Garcia E, Sekharan MR, Shao C, Swaminathan GJ, Tan L, Ulrich EL, van Ginkel G, Yamashita R, Yang H, Zhuravleva MA, Quesada M, Kleywegt GJ, Berman HM, Markley JL, Nakamura H, Velankar S, Burley SK.

Structure, 2017


Synthesis of Chlorophyll-Binding Proteins in a Fully Segregated Δycf54 Strain of the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803.

Hollingshead S, Kopečná J, Armstrong DR, Bučinská L, Jackson PJ, Chen GE, Dickman MJ, Williamson MP, Sobotka R, Hunter CN.

Front Plant Sci, 2016


PDBe: improved accessibility of macromolecular structure data from PDB and EMDB.

Velankar S, van Ginkel G, Alhroub Y, Battle GM, Berrisford JM, Conroy MJ, Dana JM, Gore SP, Gutmanas A, Haslam P, Hendrickx PM, Lagerstedt I, Mir S, Fernandez Montecelo MA, Mukhopadhyay A, Oldfield TJ, Patwardhan A, Sanz-García E, Sen S, Slowley RA, Wainwright ME, Deshpande MS, Iudin A, Sahni G, Salavert Torres J, Hirshberg M, Mak L, Nadzirin N, Armstrong DR, Clark AR, Smart OS, Korir PK, Kleywegt GJ.

Nucleic Acids Res, 2016


PDBe: searching the Protein Data Bank

Sen S, Mukhopadhyay A.



PDBe: Searching for biological macromolecular structures

Armstrong DR.



Biomacromolecular structures

Argasinska J, Symmons MF, Gutmanas A, Kleywegt GJ, .

