A novel anthropomorphic phantom composed of tissue-equivalent materials for use in experimental radiotherapy: design, dosimetry and biological pilot study.

Breslin T, Paino J, Wegner M, Engels E, Fiedler S, Forrester H, Rennau H, Bustillo J, Cameron M, Häusermann D, Hall C, Krause D, Hildebrandt G, Lerch M, Schültke E

Biomimetics, 2023


Effects of microbeam irradiation on rodent esophageal smooth muscle contraction.

Frerker B, Fiedler S, Kirschstein T, Lange F, Porath K, Sellmann T, Kutzner L, Wilde F, Moosmann J, Köhling R, Hildebrandt G, Schültke E

Cells, 2022


The Microbeam insert at the White Beam Beamline P61A at the Synchrotron PETRA III/DESY: a new tool for high dose rate irradiation research.

Schültke E, Fiedler S, Mewes C, Gargioni E, Klingenberg J, Abreu Faria G, Lerch M, Petasecca M, Prehn F, Wegner M, Scholz M, Jaekel F, Hildebrandt G

Cancers, 2022


Smart video plug-in system for Beamline operation at EMBL Hamburg.

Galikeev E, Ristau U, Blanchet C, von Stetten D, Palnati V, Fiedler S

PCaPAC, 2022


Control and timing system of a synchrotron X-Ray chopper for time resolved experiments.

Ristau U, Palnati V, Meyer J, Jahn D, Fiedler S

PCaPAC, 2022


Evaluating the suitability of 3D bioprinted samples for experimental radiotherapy: a pilot study.

Al-Zeer MA, Prehn F, Fiedler S, Lienert U, Krisch M, Berg J, Kurreck J, Hildebrandt G, Schültke E

International journal of molecular sciences, 2022


Modification of the Langendorff system of the isolated beating heart for experimental radiotherapy at a synchrotron: 4000 Gy in a heart beat.

Schültke E, Lerch M, Kirschstein T, Lange F, Porath K, Fiedler S, Davis J, Paino J, Engels E, Barnes M, Klein M, Hall C, Häusermann D, Hildebrandt G

Journal of synchrotron radiation, 2022


Microbeam irradiation of the beating rodent heart: an ex vivo study of acute and subacute effects on cardiac function.

Lange F, Kirschstein T, Davis J, Paino J, Barnes M, Klein M, Porath K, Stöhlmacher P, Fiedler S, Frank M, Köhling R, Hildebrandt G, Hausermann D, Lerch M, Schültke E

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2022


Cryogenics monitoring and control system for EMBL facilities at PETRA III.

Bueno M., Kolwicz-Chodak L., Meyer J., Ristau U., Fiedler S.



Perspectives for microbeam irradiation at the SYRMEP beamline.

Schültke E, Fiedler S, Menk RH, Jaekel F, Dreossi D, Casarin K, Tromba G, Bartzsch S, Kriesen S, Hildebrandt G, Arfelli F

Journal of synchrotron radiation, 2021


A mouse model for microbeam radiotherapy of the lung.

Schültke E, Bayat S, Bartzsch S, Bräuer-Krisch E, Djonov V, Fiedler S, Fernandez-Palomo C, Jaekel F, Pellicioli P, Trappetti V, Hildebrandt G

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2020


P13, the EMBL macromolecular crystallography beamline at the low-emittance PETRA III ring for high- and low-energy phasing with variable beam focusing.

Cianci M, Bourenkov G, Pompidor G, Karpics I, Kallio J, Bento I, Roessle M, Cipriani F, Fiedler S, Schneider TR

Journal of synchrotron radiation, 2017


Versatile sample environments and automation for biological solution X-ray scattering experiments at the P12 beamline (PETRA III, DESY).

Blanchet CE, Spilotros A, Schwemmer F, Graewert MA, Kikhney A, Jeffries CM, Franke D, Mark D, Zengerle R, Cipriani F, Fiedler S, Roessle M, Svergun DI

Journal of applied crystallography, 2015


A small and robust active beamstop for scattering experiments on high-brilliance undulator beamlines.

Blanchet CE, Hermes C, Svergun DI, Fiedler S

Journal of synchrotron radiation, 2015


Vacuum interlock control system for EMBL Beamlines at PETRA III

Kolozhvari A, Ristau U, Fiedler S



The EMBL Beamline Control Framework BICFROK

Ristau U, Kolozhvari A, Fiedler S



High angular resolution slope measuring deflectometry for the characterization of ultra-precise reflective x-ray optics

Siewert F, Buchheim J, Hoft T, Fiedler S, Bourenkov G, Cianci M, Signorato R

Measurement science & technology, 2012


Dual energy CT at the synchrotron: a piglet model for neurovascular research

Schültke E, Kelly ME, Nemoz C, Fiedler S, Ogieglo L, Crawford P, Paterson J, Beavis C, Esteve F, Brochard T, Renier M, Requardt H, Dallery D, Le Duc G, Meguro K

European journal of radiology, 2011


Synchrotron-based intra-venous K-edge digital subtraction angiography in a pig model: a feasibility study

Schültke E, Fiedler S, Nemoz C, Ogieglo L, Kelly ME, Crawford P, Esteve F, Brochard T, Renier M, Requardt H, Le Duc G, Juurlink B, Meguro K

European journal of radiology, 2010


USAXS and SAXS from cancer-bearing breast tissue samples

Fernández M, Suhonen H, Keyriläinen J, Bravin A, Fiedler S, Karjalainen-Lindsberg ML, Leidenius M, von Smitten K, Suortti P

European journal of radiology, 2008


The concept of EMBL beamline control at PETRA III

Ristau U, Di Castro M, Pazos A, Fiedler S



Toward high-contrast breast CT at low radiation dose

Keyriläinen J, Fernández M, Karjalainen-Lindsberg ML, Virkkunen P, Leidenius M, von Smitten K, Sipilä P, Fiedler S, Suhonen H, Suortti P, Bravin A

Radiology, 2008


A crystal centring system with a FPGA based position control approach for EMBL beamlines at PETRA III

Di Castro, Pazos A, Ridoutt F, Ristau U, Fiedler S



Software control for a multilayer monochromator

Pazos A, DiCastro M, Fulla D, Gehrmann T, Hermes C, Jahn D, Ridoutt F, Ristau U, Robrahn B, Fiedler S



An embedded distributed system based on TINE and WINDOWS CE

Pazos A, Ristau U, Duval P, Fiedler S



High-resolution CT by diffraction-enhanced x-ray imaging: mapping of breast tissue samples and comparison with their histo-pathology

Bravin A, Keyriläinen J, Fernández M, Fiedler S, Nemoz C, Karjalainen-Lindsberg ML, Tenhunen M, Virkkunen P, Leidenius M, von Smitten K, Sipilä P, Suortti P

Physics in medicine and biology, 2007


Synchrotron-based intravenous cerebral angiography in a small animal model

Kelly ME, Schültke E, Fiedler S, Nemoz C, Guzman R, Corde S, Esteve F, LeDuc G, Juurlink BH, Meguro K

Physics in medicine and biology, 2007


Synchrotron Radiation Computed Tomography Station at the ESRF Biomedical Beamline. Proceedings of Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation 2006

Nemoz C, Bayat S, Berruyer G, Brochard T, Coan P, Le Duc G, Keyrilainen J, Monfraix S, Renier M, Requardt H, Bravin A, Tafforeau P, Adam JF, Biston MC, Boudou C, Charvet AM, Corde S, Elleaume H, Estève F, Joubert A, Rousseau J, Tropres I, Fernandez M, Porra L, Suortti P, Fiedler S, Thomlinson W



Upgrade of the small-angle X-ray scattering beamline X33 at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hamburg

Roessle MW, Klaering R, Ristau U, Robrahn B, Jahn D, Gehrmann T, Konarev P, Round A, Fiedler S, Hermes C, Svergun D



Evaluation of imaging performance of a taper optics CCD; FReLoN' camera designed for medical imaging

Coan P, Peterzol A, Fiedler S, Ponchut C, Labiche JC, Bravin A

Journal of synchrotron radiation, 2006


Comparison of synchrotron radiation angiography with conventional angiography for the diagnosis of in-stent restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

Bertrand B, Estève F, Elleaume H, Nemoz C, Fiedler S, Bravin A, Berruyer G, Brochard T, Renier M, Machecourt J, Thomlinson W, Le Bas JF

European heart journal, 2005


Human breast cancer in vitro: matching histo-pathology with small-angle x-ray scattering and diffraction enhanced x-ray imaging

Fernández M, Keyriläinen J, Serimaa R, Torkkeli M, Karjalainen-Lindsberg ML, Leidenius M, von Smitten K, Tenhunen M, Fiedler S, Bravin A, Weiss TM, Suortti P

Physics in medicine and biology, 2005


Phase-contrast X-ray imaging combining free space propagation and Bragg diffraction

Coan P, Pagot E, Fiedler S, Cloetens P, Baruchel J, Bravin A

Journal of synchrotron radiation, 2005


High-resolution blood-brain barrier permeability and blood volume imaging using quantitative synchrotron radiation computed tomography: study on an F98 rat brain glioma

Adam JF, Nemoz C, Bravin A, Fiedler S, Bayat S, Monfraix S, Berruyer G, Charvet AM, Le Bas JF, Elleaume H, Estève F

Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 2005


Visualisation of calcifications and thin collagen strands in human breast tumour specimens by the diffraction-enhanced imaging technique: a comparison with conventional mammography and histology

Keyriläinen J, Fernández M, Fiedler S, Bravin A, Karjalainen-Lindsberg ML, Virkkunen P, Elo EM, Tenhunen M, Suortti P, Thomlinson W

European journal of radiology, 2005


Quantitative comparison between two phase contrast techniques: diffraction enhanced imaging and phase propagation imaging

Pagot E, Fiedler S, Cloetens P, Bravin A, Coan P, Fezzaa K, Baruchel J, Härtwig J, von Smitten K, Leidenius M, Karjalainen-Lindsberg ML, Keyriläinen J

Physics in medicine and biology, 2005


A mechanical chopper with continuously adjustable duty cycle for a wide X-ray beam

Renier M, Fiedler S, Nernoz C, Gonzalez H, Berruyer G, Bravin A

Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 2005


The potential for neurovascular intravenous angiography using K-edge digital subtraction angiography.

Schultke E, Fiedler S, Kelly M, Griebel R, Juurlink B, LeDuc G, Esteve F, Le Bas JF, Renier M, Nemoz C, Meguro K

Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 2005


Imaging lobular breast carcinoma: comparison of synchrotron radiation DEI-CT technique with clinical CT, mammography and histology

Fiedler S, Bravin A, Keyriläinen J, Fernández M, Suortti P, Thomlinson W, Tenhunen M, Virkkunen P, Karjalainen-Lindsberg M

Physics in medicine and biology, 2004
