We are thrilled to announce the release of WormBase ParaSite 18 (WBPS18), the resource’s most comprehensive update yet, with the largest number of new genomes and updated annotations since its first launch. WBPS18 hosts 240 different genomes from 181 species.

New Species

New Trematodes (Flukes)

Genome Updates

Trematodes (Flukes)

Pairwise Whole Genome Alignments

In WBPS18, users can now browse and visualise whole genome alignments between genomes in the same taxonomic group. Cactus, a next-generation aligner that stores whole-genome alignments in a graph structure, was utilised to calculate multiple pairwise genome alignments between WBPS genomes. These genomes have been assigned to 5 big taxonomic groups, and pairwise alignments can be viewed between the genomes of each group.

These alignments are viewable through the Ensembl Genome Browser. Follow this tutorial to learn how to browse these alignments.

The whole genome alignments are also available for download in HAL file format, through WBPS FTP site.

Full integration of AlphaFold models

In July 2022, AlphaFold predicted structures for almost every catalogued protein known to science.

In release 18, WormBase ParaSite incorporated these models. Now, over 2 million 3D protein structure models from AlphaFold are available for 239 genomes species. The AlphaFold predicted model (example) is available through the top-left menu on the transcript pages.

Follow this tutorial to learn how to browse your favourite protein models in WormBase ParaSite.

Updated RNA-Seq data

From release 16, due to the retirement of the RNASeq-er API, RNASeq data of genomes that had assembly or annotation updates were not re-aligned. For 34 updated genomes (releases 16 and 17), this affected their RNA-Seq alignment tracks available on the Ensembl Browser, Jbrowse and their gene counts on the Gene expression platform.

For this release, the novel RNA-Seq pipeline developed by the Ensembl Metazoa group has been utilised to re-align the RNA-Seq data for these 34 genomes. The pipeline is using HISAT2 to perform the read alignments and htseq-count to count reads in features.

If you would like a new gene expression study to be included, please contact WBPS.

“How can I browse RNA-Seq data in WormBase ParaSite?”

  1. Browse WBPS gene expression pages (use the “Gene Expression” button in the “Navigation” box on the genome landing page of each genome) to explore the gene expression of your gene of interest across different samples and perform differential expression analysis.
  2. Use Jbrowse genome browser, to visualise RNA-Seq samples as genome browser tracks.
  3. Use Genome Browser (Ensembl), to visualise RNA-Seq samples as genome browser tracks.

Archiving Site

The previous WormBase ParaSite Release 17 has been archived and remains accessible here.

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