EMBL-EBI’s Software Development and Operations team is delighted to announce the launch of a brand-new Job Dispatcher website, currently in development

The updated website provides a landing page for the Job Dispatcher services, making it easier for users to find and navigate services quickly. 

The new website reorganises and revamps the tool and documentation pages. The homepage is a gateway from which users can easily find different tool categories and quickly navigate to various sequence analysis tool pages and related training materials. 

New features have also been added to the website, such as:

The help and privacy page provides the entry page for finding who we are and finding help about using the webpages and programmatic access, as well as entry points to our training and outreach activities related to our services.

The team hopes you find our new website transparent and easier to navigate. Please contact them with the feedback button if you have any comments or suggestions.

This news was originally published on the Job Dispatcher blog.
