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Latest UniProtKB News

- Update of ECO mapping for evidences

In 2011, we have started to use the Evidence Codes Ontology (ECO) to describe the evidences for UniProtKB annotations. Since then, this ontology has been extended and the GO Consortium has published a mapping of their GO evidence codes to ECO. We have adapted our mapping to ECO accordingly to have equivalent evidence codes for UniProtKB and GO annotations. 

- Cross-references for isoform sequences: RefSeq

We have added isoform-specific cross-references to the RefSeq database. The format of these cross-references is as described in release 2014_03.

- Cross-references to MaxQB

Cross-references have been added to MaxQB, a database of large proteomics projects. MaxQB is available at

- Removal of the cross-references to ProtClustDB 

Cross-references to ProtClustDB have been removed. 

- Changes to the controlled vocabulary of human diseases

New diseases added, existing diseases modified and two diseases deleted.


Latest UniParc News

- UniParc cross-references with multiple taxonomy identifiers

The UniParc XML format uses dbReference elements to represent cross-references to external database records that contain the same sequence as the UniParc record. Additional information about an external database record is provided with different types ofproperty child elements, e.g. the species is represented with a property of the type "NCBI_taxonomy_id" that stores an NCBItaxonomy identifier in its value attribute. In the past, all external database records described a single species.
