InterProScan 5.5-48.0

We are pleased to announce the release of InterProScan 5.5-48.0. You can find the full release notes here.

InterProScan 5.5-48.0 uses data from the newly released InterPro 48.0, which contains 26,238 entries.

InterPro version 48.0

InterPro 48.0 integrates 294 new methods from the CATH-Gene3D, PANTHER, Pfam, ProDom and SUPERFAMILY databases, and covers 83.5% of UniProt Knowledgebase release 2014_07. It predicts Gene Ontology (GO) terms for over 50 million UniProt proteins via the InterPro2GO pipeline.

The new release includes updates to UniParc (uniparc_match.tar.gz) and UniMES (unimes_match.tar.gz) matches to InterPro methods. You can find these on our ftp site:

For full details, see the latest InterPro Release Notes:

If you need help with InterPro or InterProScan, please contact our whole team using our support form:
