UniProt 2014_07 is out. Get your 80,370,243 protein records today!

Read the headline article 'Lark or owl? PER3 is the answer' and more at http://www.uniprot.org/news/2014/07/09/release

UniProtKB news

Cross-references to CCDS

Cross-references have been added to CCDS, the Consensus CDS project.

Cross-references to GeneReviews

Cross-references have been added to GeneReviews, a resource of expert-authored, peer-reviewed disease descriptions.

Changes to the controlled vocabulary of human diseases

New diseases have been added, some have been modified. View the list here.

Changes to the controlled vocabulary for PTMs

New term for the feature key ‘Modified residue’ (‘MOD_RES’ in the flat file): L-isoglutamyl histamine

Modified term for the feature key ‘Modified residue’ (‘MOD_RES’ in the flat file): N6-crotonyl-L-lysine -> N6-crotonyllysine

Changes to keywords

New keywords have been added, some have been modified. View the list here.

UniParc news

UniParc cross-references with protein and gene names

The UniParc XML format uses dbReference elements to represent cross-references to external database records that contain the same sequence as the UniParc record. Additional information about an external database record is provided with different types of property child elements. We have introduced two new types, "protein_name" and "gene_name", to show the preferred protein and gene name of external database records that provide this information. In this release we have added names for cross-references to UniProtKB and RefSeq. For UniProtKB entries that have several protein or gene names, UniParc shows only the main one, which is the same name that is shown in the UniProtKB FASTA format. We will soon added names for cross-references to ENA, Ensembl, EnsemblGenomes and model organism databases (FlyBase, SGD, TAIR, WormBase).

This change did not affect the UniParc XSD, but may nevertheless require code changes.

FTP site news

Every folder on our FTP server now contains a file called RELEASE.metalink that specifies the size and MD5 checksum of every file. More info here.
