The European Variation Archive (EVA) release 2 is now available, offering more than 290 million unique variants for you to browse, query or download! We've improved the performance of the whole website, reducing the amount of data transferred by up to four times. This a makes a big difference when you visit the EVA using a wireless connection – there has never been a better time to visit the EVA on the go!

What’s new in EVA release 2

New content includes:

A new EVA user interface makes it easier to browse studies, offering a more consistent experience throughout the website.

You can now search the variant browser by minor allele frequency, and we've improved the views for genotype and population statistics.

We’ve updated our documentation in the form of a FAQ page detailing our normalisation, statistical calculation and archival procedures, among other information.

We hope you enjoy this new release of the EVA and, as always, welcome your feedback. If you have anything to ask or discuss with us, please contact the whole team at
